The Ways JW's Irritate People

by minimus 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • shera

    The tone of voice they speak with,the way they walk.I can tell if someone is a JW,by the way they walk and hold their heads LOL

    My daughters father ,has that JW tone down now..hes been back in for a few yrs now.

  • nowisee

    seems so typical, i couldn't stand the gossiping and backbiting and judging and self-righteousness. always talking out of both sides of the mouth....but amazing, they seem to find justification for it all.

  • minimus

    So I guess you can tell a JW by the way they walk, talk, hold their heads and by their tones of voice....hmmm.....Next time I see a Witness, I'm going to observe and study these things. I didn't think that a person could tell whether someone was a JW or not, by these things but I will look for these irritations.

  • MoeJoJoJo

    I didn't realize just how annoying witnesses are until leaving the org. I've talked to friends and neighbors who have never been witnesses but, of course, have had them call at their door and asked them their honest opinion of witnesses. Their opinion: the witnesses rank way down there with telemarketers, big time.

    Now I'm on the other side of the door, and I can attest the the fact that they can be annoying.

  • Francois

    I think that JWs pester people the most just by being alive and present in front of people's faces.

    If it weren't for that, the wouldn't be so bad.


  • minimus

    I was talking to someone and they mentioned that when the Witnesses come thru the neighborhood, all the families call each other to give a head's up about there coming , so as to not answer the door. Yes, JW's are pests.

  • Irreverent

    what irritates me is how the JWs act like they really care about you when you know that they really don't give a damn.

  • rocketman

    They certainly do talk about one another a lot, as Minimus' intial posts and some additional comments here suggest. Since they basically live in a shell, away from the world in a closed society (yeah, I know they say they don't, but they virtually do) they seem to have nothing to discuss but other jws and things happening in the congregation. Their gossip mill churning almost constantly.

  • minimus

    JW's gossip more than any other group, I bet! And it's because there's no one else to talk to and about. If you're not associating with any "worldly" ones then you have only 1 choice and that is to talk about yourselves. I've always believed that field service meetings are essential to find out what's happening in the congregation. I always asked my wife what the "latest" was out in the car group. 2 hours of service yielded more information than a 5 hour elders meeting. And you know, that's irritating!

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