My DA Letter

by LB 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • jimbob

    Hi LB. I thought that was a great letter. I also showed my wife who agreed with me. If we were going to write a letter ourselves, I'd definitely copy and paste yours.... I wish we could, but due to the circumstances with the wife's family, we can't. I do applaude your efforts. Hopefully whoever ends up reading your letter will seriously look at the issues you've brought up, rather than skim it and put it in the file with all the others............We wish your family the best!

  • LB

    It's off in the mail. I talked with my lawyer this morning and he is going to send a follow up letter in tomorrow's mail. I've also mailed it off to about a dozen people in my old congregation. Some of them old friends, others the top gossips.

    It's been a couple of years since I've attended and I haven't had many JW thoughts in my head, but, this was like having a huge weight lifted off of me. Feels good. Sort of like I just took a trip to the dumps and got rid of some worthless crap.

  • Simon

    Wow ... sorry I missed this when you frist posted it and I just saw your other post about it.

    A hell of a letter LB !

  • reubenfine

    Outstanding, LB! Keep us posted!


  • Valis

    LB, I think there are so many times when a personal letter can be exponentially more to the point and powerful versus a general letter to the powers that be. With so much that is posted here, the very personal condemnation of the obvious drives home a point that may be ignored by a group acting in concert under the direction of delusional ones, but not by touching one conscience at a time. Thanks for posting.


    District Overbeer

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