Why are there more sisters than brothers?

by expatbrit 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • mommy

    Larc and Tina,
    He brought it here, by calling us gullible.

    Hehe, don't say that without wearing a susp. [>:(] Some writers in a couple of reincarnation threads on this board could lead one towards such a conclusion, yes, but we also know many less gullible women.

    I said above that it is tiresome for him to repeat it. I have every right to feel this way when I see what he wrote. I agree Larc he hasn't written anything for the last few pages, but it is here in black and white. Tina, I have not been on the internet for very long, and do not know the history of H2O. I at first was scared about the new posters on this forum. Did you read the entire thread that you mentioned above? I heard how important H2O was to so many, and really opened my eyes to the value of the posts there. I welcomed all of you...but you don't need my welcome this is an open discussion. Also I am sorry if I offended you on the other thread, that was not my intent. And I guess I am taking it too personally. I had really taken offense to his comment above though. It is almost like he is beating a dead horse. And I am tired of his comments about it.
    I am sorry if your intent of the comment above was supposed to make me feel all warm and fuzzy...it didn't. As far as I am concerned this tennis match we are having is over. You win. I am done playing. I have chatted with you before in the chat room and have enjoyed. Looking forward to doing it again.
    Thanks for the plug. I am a silly gullible woman sometimes and tend to get worked up over things that are close to my heart. Within the last few years I have finally learned to stand up for what I believe in. I had been suppressed for so long. I tend to get over zealous in my actions. Now if I can learn to put a lid on it every now and then, and let things slide, well I would just be a perfect person

  • jelly
    Perhaps it has something to do with the way women's social networks works. Conversions are almost never 'cold' (as in JW door-to-door work), but they use already existing social networks (family, friends, workmates).

    That’s actually a very good point JanH, I have often wondered why the male / female ratio is so unbalanced. I don’t know how the other halls were but I know in mine all the sisters were brainwashed to believe that all ‘worldly men’ beat and cheated on their wives. The consequence of this belief was that sisters were afraid to leave the truth because they were just sure it would lead to an abusive relationship. So more sisters stayed in the organization while brothers were more likely to leave. There probably are a multitude of reasons for the imbalance with different levels of effect.

    Larc, Tina, JanH I don’t believe Mommy does not want JanH to post, what she wants is to not be insulted. JanH made a good point in his paragraph but you had to be willing to look past the hostility to read it. I think many former JW’S could benefit from a class in communication, basically the understanding that every time a message is conveyed the context it’s conveyed in will either add or detract from the argument. So if you want to reason with people you must pay attention to your words, on the other hand if you want to ridicule people, for whatever reason, you argument will always be diminished.


  • larc

    Hi Mommie,

    Welcome to the real world of indepent thinking! It can get rough and tumble sometimes, but it is a lot better than the narrow, close minded world we came from. Several of us have engaged in this kind of dialogue for a long time and we are used to it. You are just sprouting your wings as it were. What ever you say to me is just fine. I will like you even if you think I am a raving lunatic as far some of my beliefs go. At least we have the freedom to express them here. Personally, I think it is better to yell and apologize if you have gone to far than never to have yelled at all. So, keep your ideas coming.

    By they way, you think this is rough. I have sent research papers to peer reviewed scientific journals and have really been skewered. This critique back and forth here is child's play compared to scientific peer review, believe me.

  • mommy

    Thank you I am a newbie at this. I don't know if I like it yet or not though.
    I am really sorry if I offended you honestly, sometimes I am not very good expressing my words. I do enjoy to hear others views, and the more you get to know me you will realize that I am a very open minded person. I think that Jelly hit the nail on the head. I am willing to listen to others and consider their views without them telling me that mine are stupid, ignorant or wrong.(not saying you did this)

  • Tina

    Mommy,no prob,I could have said it in a nicer way myself,I goof up often too,lol,makes me human yanno((((((wendy)))hugs to ya,Tina
    I apologize as well.........T

  • mommy

    Well Tina if your giving me a hug you get one back ((((HUGS))))
    I really am enjoying all you guys here. The chat actually has conversations in it now

  • hippikon

    We seem to have lost the thread a little. If I may relate an observation

    During a service meeting recently the brother giving the talk asked all to raise there hands if they had personally experienced a miracle that had helped them get out on field service. It was interesting to note that 80% of those that raised their hands were “sisters”. That tells me that women have a more active imagination.

    Ozziepost. I think the judicial process is a symptom rather than a cause


    Men usually come into sects through secondary conversion (that is, dragged in by their wives).

    Yes thinking with there dicks no doubt

    Those who build airplanes based on scientific ideas are actually able to make them fly. Those who use new age ideas about shakras and vibrations or higher dimensions or whatever you call it this week, they don't fly, except in their own heads.

    Refer to my thread about the BS vacuum

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