Physical appearance IN the troof vs. out

by razorMind 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    I think some of it may be regional. I remember in Hawaii all the bros and sis took pretty good care of themselves. Everyone wore nice, clean, and pretty updated clothing. Even if some were obesely overweight, they still wore makeup, kept attractive hair and clothing. I felt pretty attractive at that point in my life. When I was 18 and moved to Wichita, that's a different story. It seems just a few people were even concerned about looking HUMAN out in service. ALL the clothes were outdated, ties on the brothers were ridiculously out of date, dresses on the sisters were always the TJMaxx bargains (and I'm not talking the cute clothes either!) the dresses were floweredy and floor length, usually empire waisted. I came into the congregation with my cute clothes and hairstyles I'd always worn in Hawaii and immediately was labeled, even though I was pioneering. Within months I'd found few friends in the Hall and started hanging with worldly people. It went downhill from there. About a year later I was DFed.

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