parental advice needed.......

by scootergirl 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Buster

    Just about all boys go thru this at some point. But sometimes it goes beyond reason.

    If there is one thing I could pull back from my youth was a period when just about all the boys in a class started picking on one boy in particular. To this day I don't know how he got thru eigth grade with us riding him so mercilessly. We became close friends in high school and that is when I learned what he did to stop it. His uncle, a body builder by hobby, grabbed him for the summer and took him to the gym. He lifted weights daily and took some form of martial arts training (I don't remember which art). When we all showed up for high school, one of the boys tried to start it up again. All it took was a firm grab by the shirt, a strong warning, and that was that - never to happen again. One thing is for sure, a bully does not want to take a chance on having to back up their bullying words and actions - thats why they are bullies, they want the weak.

    How does that translate to a 4th-grader? Sounds a little early for free weights, but an earlier post suggested Tae Kwon Do. Anything that will get his physical strength and confidence up. But unless you absolutely must - stay out of direct interference. He will have to do this - and if you think it is rough now, just wait until he has to deal with boys that know he needs mommy to handle his fights.

  • lauralisa


    All of us moms and dads who've seen our kids heartbroken over crap like this have had great suggestions.

    I've had to go to the school, meet with various counselors, teachers, security staff, etc. It still kept on happening... Kyle was getting seriously beat up during gym class. (This was years ago, and now, in high school, he hates sports, refuses to take showers (we got them to sched. his gym class to last period to accommodate him - yay Robinson HS!)

    Anyway. One day I volunteered to take some pictures for his teacher for the yearbook. I brought in my (broken - lol) big pentax with the HUGE zoom thing, impressing the little soccer guys by telling them I was from a national sports magazine doing a story on Middle School sports (yeah, well I was desperate and determined).

    The bullies, pointed out to me by Kyle, were very interested in getting their pictures taken. I took them aside, told them I also happened to be Kyle's mother, and that I had a psycho ex-husband with lots of biker friends (true at the time *sigh*). I kindly stated that the next time Kyle was bothered by them, he was gonna come to school with a bag of dog shit and make them eat it.

    They never bothered Kyle again, and I didn't get arrested. BTW, he also started taking Akido (sp?) classes, and his confidence shot way up.

    I truly hope your son feels better soon, and gets this all behind him.... You are a wonderful mother and you're being his advocate and confidant will be more important than anything! Send Filthy over there with a big brown bag asap!!!

    Let us know how it goes, and my best to you, lauralisa

  • truman

    Children can be so cruel to each other, and although some kids come throught the fire stronger, others can have their spirits crushed. I was one of those kids who always got teased and it had an effect which lasted long after the events faded into history. I think it is very important, more than anything, that a child feel that his parent understands and supports him, even if the parent is not able to control the problem.

    I also went through an experience with one of my sons when he was in junior high school. He became the target of bullying from another student, who tormented him at every opportunity, encouraged others to do it too, and even tried to provoke fistfights. This bully it turned out was the son of one of the psychologists at the school. She and I had a conversation after the fighing incident, and we determined to get together with both the boys, and discuss the problem. Although the bully was far from cooperative, it seemed that just some good did come from the talk with all present, and there was a lessening of the trouble.

    You might think about getting together with the other kids and parents to talk, that is if the other parents can do that without trying to invalidate your son's pain and downplay the role of their own offspring. Another thing which might help is to arrange situations in which the boys can have the opportunity to become friends outside of the usual circumstances. Perhaps the bully could be able to see your son as a human being rather than a target.


  • BeautifulGarbage

    Hi Scooter,

    Lyin posted this and it jumped off the screen at me. I think sometimes us parents get so frustrated and EMBARRASSED that our kids are taunted by others that we throw up our hands in defeat.

    Sad to say, Scooter bullies are not going to go away. No matter what you say to the principal or teachers the bullies will find a way to make fun of him.

    It is this sort of thinking that allows bullies to continue their hurtful behavior unchecked. As long as parents, teachers, and principles rationalize that this kind of thing is just "a normal part of childhood" children will continue to be hurt. And many times these hurts that follow them well into adulthood, if not forever.

    I got teased as a kid. First off, I had that wonderful JW thing going on. I know most of you can relate to that. Then, for a time, my family struggled very hard financially, and I didn't even have a decent pair of shoes to wear to school. I was teased pretty hard about that. Then, as a 13 year old I was "blessed" with a woman's body. Oh yeah, grown men would salivate in my presence, but males my own age were creepy little bastards with their snide comments about me being "fat".

    Anyway, my attitude towards bullies now. My daughter is extremely sensitive emotionally. She has been pushed around at school. And I don't tolerate that crap for one second when I am made aware of it. When she was in second grade, some little brat went off and punched her in the stomach for absolutely no reason. This is a child, my daughter, that I nearly lost twice. Once at birth and later to leukemia. I'll be damned to hell forever before I let that kind of shit go. I was on the phone to the principal and, in short, told her I didn't care if she tied the little bastard to an ant hill, he better not touch my kid AGAIN.


    Just about an hour ago, I had to go talk to another Mother regarding her son throwing rocks at my child. One of those rocks hit her. She just happened to be riding her scooter with some friends in the neighborhood, when this kid who is 8, is on the roof of his house and starts mouthing off. Then, the rock hits her on the leg. She hurries home to comes to tell me because I have instructed her to inform me when ANYONE threatens her or harms her. Off I go to confront him and talk to his Mom, who I had not met. She seemed to be a decent woman (poor thing, I got her out of the tub. Hence, she was not supervising her kid). I expressed my regret in meeting her this way, but if her kid ever pulls a stunt like that again, it won't be ME knocking at the door, it will be the POLICE. She calls her son into the house, and requests that I tell that to him directly. Boy, did I ever! Along with telling him that his Mom doesn't need this stress.

    I like what lauralisa had to say:

    The bullies, pointed out to me by Kyle, were very interested in getting their pictures taken. I took them aside, told them I also happened to be Kyle's mother, and that I had a psycho ex-husband with lots of biker friends (true at the time *sigh*). I kindly stated that the next time Kyle was bothered by them, he was gonna come to school with a bag of dog shit and make them eat it.

    I know this kind of thing gets more complicated when kids get older. Last year, my daughter, ten years old, had some girl harassing her in class. I asked her if she wanted to me take care of it, because I CAN make it stop. She asked me to let her handle it for now, but if it keeps up, or gets worse, she will have me step in. See, when it comes to my kids, I'm like a pitbull, the only way to get me to unlock my jaws is by either bashing me on the head, or killing me. Though, I understand that she is extremely reluctant to have "Mommy" rescue her. So, I am ever watchful from the sidelines always ready to pounce if I think she needs help.

    I also believe that the parents of bullies need to be made aware about despicable behavior of their children. Most are shocked that their children are capable of being so cruel.

    Anyway, Scoot, I think the Martial arts suggestion is a good one. I understand that it it is excellent for physical fitness, and also a big confidence booster. Definitely look into that one.

    Most importantly, he needs to have his home be his safe haven where he is loved and accepted regardless of his size. It seems you are doing that. I know this must be so agonizing for you.

    Sometimes, I wonder how we all survive raising our kids.


    Excuse the profanity, but I feel it highly appropriate.

  • Mulan

    I told the school district I was going to sue them if they didn't stop the bullies, and I meant it.

    I called the police, who came to the school, arrested the boy, who extorted money from our son, and believe me, it all stopped..............forever. It never happened again. I told them I didn't care how they did it, but I wanted it to be over today, now and forever,.................or else. And I meant it, and they knew it!!

    As I said, the laws have changed. When he was in grade school, they couldn't do anything. 8 years ago, it was a different story. Hit them in their wallets and they will pay attention.

  • scootergirl

    Thanks everyone for the comments and advice.......I had absolutely no idea that this problem was so common amongst so many families!

    My goal as a mother is to take care of my son (all my kids) and "protect" him from these bullies but also teach him how to handle this sort of treatment also. Therein lies my problem as a parent. I can protect him by doing a number of things, but I also need to help him learn how to handle this sort of hurt himself too. Sort out his feelings. Build his self-esteem. Know what I mean?

    YIKES........parenting is hard sometimes! I haven't come to this chapter in the ding dang manual yet! LOL

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