You Tube Video Ex-Betheliite Ex-Walkill Worker Layed Off!

by cha ching 116 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jhine

    Welcome XWBS , it is sooo nice to hear a happy ending .


  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Hi Mary, glad you survived your exit!

    Here's another acronym for you: RTS: Religious Trauma Syndrome...

    Why would Marcus or anyone (child abuse victims) have to go thru this type of trauma/pain if "The second greatest command?" is "Love your neighbor as yourself"

    or as a scripture JW's like to quote says,

    John 13:33-35 says: 34 I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you , that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.”

    So many people struggle with the injustice they see, but are unable to simply say, "Where is the love?"

  • maisha
    Try the Salvation Army, they will be very understanding of your situation.
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    John 13:33-35 says: 34 I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you , that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.”

    It is very hard to show genuine love when the Deity you worship and pattern yourself after is such a homicidal maniac and you have to take his side in the slaughter/out of control killing sprees to save your own skin from his moody rages.

    CHAPTER 30
    “Go On Walking in Love”
    1-3. What results when we imitate Jehovah’s example of showing love?
    “THERE is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.” (Acts 20:35) Those words of Jesus underscore this important truth: Unselfish love brings its own reward. Although there is much happiness in receiving love, there is even greater happiness in giving, orshowing, love to others.
    2 No one knows this better than our heavenly Father does. As we saw in the preceding chapters of this section, Jehovah is the ultimate example of love. No one has shown love in greater ways or over a longer period of time than he has. Is it any wonder, then, that Jehovah is called “the happy God”?—1 Timothy 1:11.

    3 Our loving God wants us to try to be like him, especially when it comes to showing love.Ephesians 5:1, 2 tells us: “Become imitators of God, as beloved children, and go on walking in love.” When we imitate Jehovah’s example of showing love, we experience the greater happiness that comes from giving. We also have the satisfaction of knowing that we are pleasing to Jehovah, for his Word urges us “to love one another.” (Romans 13:8) But there are yet other reasons why we should “go on walking in love.”....

    5 On the final night of his earthly life, Jesus told his followers: “I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.”

    Yes Jehovah is the "Happy God" as long as he is obeyed without question. To question Him as to the rightness or wrongness of what he is doing brings out his evil authoritarian side and a possible end of life to those brave enough to question his love.

    Also take notice that JC said it was a new commandment apparently such a commandment never was given by Jehovah in the torah. Jesus could never be Jehovah's first born son because he was so different than Jehovah in his approach to handling situations.

  • cha ching
    cha ching
    Hi Brokeback, yep, the WT, Jehovah & Jesus have a hard time fitting all together... It makes it hard to think right when there are all these contradictions.
  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    This dude has clearly 'gone apostate'. Good for him. I suppose he was outed form bethel some time ago.

    I was an overnight guest at the Sydney bethel just as I was on the way out. I absolutely hated everything about the place. The brown carpets, brown walls, weird art on the walls (WT originals - even more creepy than in the magazines), lifeless faces on zombies wandering around the silent corridors, people I'd known as vibrant and vital now seeming scared and unhappy, the truly bizarre dinner table conversations.

    It just had a bad vibe. It made me wonder if spirits were real, and all the bad ones lived at bethel. Satan's House.

    When we got people we knew in a place they felt safe to talk, they told us awful and weird stories about the place and the people in it and what they did. We saw a dorm for about 20 married couples (on construction) that had beds 3 feet apart separated by curtains, that was indecent. At least they knew where to get good, cheap alcohol. They'd need it.

    There were contribution boxes EVERYWHERE and people kept telling is they were there. Despite sleeping in their bed and eating their food, I refused to put a cent in. That was my FU to the Society, a short, sharp one in the guts (even if they were too fat to notice).

    But I did buy a JW branded pen: still have it.

  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate

    Well done to the guy for waking up and getting out, and also for telling his story.

    But, he sounds like he is telling his story like it happened a few months ago, which i can understand. But this was YEARS ago. Seriously, you have to move on with your life instead of focusing on this negative part of his life.

    Yes he was harshly treated, and yes, i would also be very f*cked off. But you have to just move on or the bitterness will just eat you up, like sadly, i think is happening to this poor guy. It sort of plays into the WTS narrative of "bitter angry apostates".

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I talked with flipper and Mrs. flipper yesterday and I was telling them how my husband and I also received bills from Bethel after we left, they suggested that I write it on this thread so here it goes.

    They were itemized just like this guy said. It was for anything that we might have owed. We were there before they used our room cards as debit like he mentioned so it took about two months before we received our first bill.

    If I remember right they double billed us, its been 20 years ago and I cannot totally remember right but I do remember that I was really upset because of one of the bills but we moved a whole bunch of times. I kept thinking Jehovah was going to bless us with work and a place to live like that brother in the video said if we just relied on Him and we would just step right back into pioneering.

    Well Jehovah never helped us AT ALL. My mother-in-law had promised us a place to stay and told us there was tons of work where she was. The only problem was her current husband was ticked that we had stupidly taken a vow of poverty and felt we needed to pay them plus my MIL and lied and there was no work where they lived not even minimum wage jobs. It was horrible and so depressing that we stayed only a few weeks and moved again to where a temporary worker at Bethel (an elder who Bethel had paid to have him come back to work. Yes they do foot the bill for some.) had told us there was work and again no real work. Both my husband and were working all kinds of hours missing meetings, etc. I was working two to three jobs again no Jehovah.

    So we moved yet again and in that mess Bethel somehow lost our address and we never received a bill for the one that was in question and I never followed through which for years when I was a true believer bothered me a huge amount now I am glad.

    Looking back really they could not write it off after we gave them years of free work?

    Anyway so it goes for those of us who were stupid enough to buy into the lie.


  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Hey Max, YAY! You didn’t give a cent! Pretty sad when they have to keep pointing out the “Contribution Boxes”… Yikes!

    I hated it at conventions (when we got the new big bible five years ago) “Yes, we have free labor, reduced costs, but still donate as much money as you would pay for a Bible in a book shop! ($70? $80?)

    Haha, not me~! Otherwise, what is the point of having ‘free labor’ and ‘contributions’ for everything else in the world! Cha Ching, Cha Ching! No more of my Bling!

    Campaign of hate… Yep, it was a while ago for him, I now know… but maybe it’s his therapy? Or maybe it’s a way for him to ‘give back’ to those who might want to know the way it really is?

    I always wonder what I can say to someone that will help them face reality, and maybe get a part of their life back… If no one tells, no one knows, right?

    I went to on a Bethel tour, got tired of all the walking, sat down behind a wall, and basically got told “Hey sister, if you can’t keep up with the rest of us, you can go downstairs and wait” Not the most welcoming place…

    I also ran into someone I met on an Assembly Hall build… He volunteered after completion to work in NY…. I found him, said, “Hi! Howz it going?” (like, wow! are you having a great time!?") The look on his face… I think he discovered what Max did… Reality… I’ll bet he has some stories!

    Thx life is to short , I appreciate your validation, and I’ll bet Marcus and his sister do too! The WT is very petty to ask back what they have not given…. Reminds me of that story they use to tell us… you know… the one about the king settling accounts with the slave that owed 60,000,000 denarii… the king CANCELLED his debt! That’s sixty million whatevers… So what does this 'no good' do? Hmmmmm…. Sounds like the WT (who gets millions and millions a year?) He goes and tries to collect $2 for cough medicine? a pen? toilet paper? mmmm..... Hmm?

    The WT would “throw you in prison” if they could… just like the ungrateful slave above who tried to get only 100 d's back… But, in the story, ‘the king heard about it, called him wicked! and put him in prison until he could pay his 60 mil back….

    Maybe, one day, the WT will have to pay us all back! Ahhhhh, what a dream, eh?

  • Oubliette
    LITS, I'm curiuos. What kind of stuff did they bill you for? Can you be specific? Thanks.

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