No Questions, No Answers!

by bjc2012 48 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bjc2012

    Daniel 8:23 happened.

    9/11 & Osama bin Laden. Got it?

    Please read.

    Daniel 8 Chapter
    "And in the final part of their kingdom, as the transgressors act to a completion, there will stand up a king fierce in countenance and understanding ambiguous sayings."

    The "transgressors who act to a completion" [Governing Body of JWs] also happened.

    Now, here is the future...
    He [Osama bin Laden] will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause a shocking amount of destruction [to the King of South] and succeed in everything he does. He will destroy powerful leaders and devastate the holy people [Israel, JWs].

    This is my last post to you, for the time being, okay?


  • Smitty

    Where did MDS say, ahead of time, that Osama Bin Laden would do anything or refer to him as this destructive king? And where did MDS predict what he would do??? Remember, we need to see the words of the prophet, "MDS." Where did he prophecy about these things. Quotes please.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    There was talk that Osama Ben Ladin was hiding out in Ireland. Some Irish crack troops heard stories of an Arab escapee, so they got out their bibles and checked for clues, but unable to figure it out they went down to the local priest -

    "farta, we're seekin a small horn, and mind ya we don't know much, an we'd been wonderin about teh harlot and teh wine of her farnication" - but farta told the troops they belonged "at teh pub wit tat tark" - so off they went, and the folks at teh pub new all about it.

    After a few drinks, Phil O'Toole told em they could "have his library card ta pay for the great harlot if tat's all she wahnted", and "not ta worry about tat small horn" - and they could find "all teh summer-bed-linen ya need back at my place".

    Edited by - a paduan on 17 October 2002 5:33:39

  • unclebruce

    Hey Mr Eastwood

    .. begJesusCome2012 just said that unless you work real hard at be'n a fruitloop fundy bible freak you don't know jack shit about nuth'n!

    hope this helps clearify things for ya .. unclebruce

    ps: i propose this thread be retitled "stoopid questions, stoopider answers!" ..

    Edited by - unclebruce on 16 October 2002 23:20:50

  • Smitty

    BJC2012. I'm famillar with MDS's prophecies, all of them. Theyr'e all listed on this board. They can be searched for by using "October 7th", "MDS", etc.... Which one of these prohphecies have come true. Which ones are accurate??? Please help us see the true light if you will. This is your opportunity to show the validity of MDS.


    Edited by - smitty on 17 October 2002 9:3:21

  • Smitty

    BJC2012. I have to admit though, MDS is a brilliant bible scholar. It's no refuting that. I've studied his material; quite brilliant to say the least. I can see how people can be mislead to following men. His teachings are very convincing. The only thing I see that can refute his claims is time disproves his words. He changes his explanation with time like the WT. In other words, Jehovah lets his words fall to the ground.

    The LORD was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba recognized that Samuel was attested as a prophet of the LORD . Samuel 3:19

    That's the evidence against him scripturally. So, if you can show the fulfillment of his words, please show it.


  • funkyderek
    "And in the final part of their kingdom, as the transgressors act to a completion, there will stand up a king fierce in countenance and understanding ambiguous sayings."

    Of course! The prophecy was written thousands of years ago and it refers to a king. Obviously therefore, that refers to events that are happening right now involving a terrorist leader and a completely unrelated group of religious leaders. How could we not see it?!?!

    Why do these crackpot interpretations of ancient myths always have to be getting fulfilled right now or "soon"?

  • ashitaka

    Derek: 'Scare tactics'.

    every generation has these self-applicable prophecies, and they're all full of sh**.


  • RevMalk

    Yuk, it's like Church in here.

    A knaves religion is always the rottenest thing about him." John Ruskin, 19th-century British critic and author

  • bjc2012


    BJC2012. I have to admit though, MDS is a brilliant bible scholar. It's no refuting that. I've studied his material; quite brilliant to say the least. I can see how people can be mislead to following men. His teachings are very convincing. The only thing I see that can refute his claims is time disproves his words.

    You say his "teachings are convincing". That is, the "teaching". Then you'd better read John 7:17.

    Actually, Smitty, whether MDS is "brilliant" from a human standpoint, is not the point. I agree he is. But what you need to focus on is whether his "teachings" are scripturally based. Are his teachings convincing to you because, because they are firmly rooted in scripture. If one knows his bible, there is no problem here. I happen to be one who knows my bible. I've just completed my 50th year in dedication to Jehovah God, that's 1952 - 2002, so I'm no novice of scripture. I'm a senior citizen who wasn't born yesterday, if you get my drift.

    Smitty, let me give you some good advice, and you'd better pay close attention to what I'm about to say. You need to go back and re-read the material you have from MDS. And then, you need to ask yourself is MDS "rightly dividing" the word of God or not? (2 Tim. 2:15 KJV)

    You don't need to wait for anything. You don't need time to help you decide what to do. No, you do not. A Bible-trained Servant of God, can know exactly what God's wants him to do. And there is no need to wait for anything.

    You say MDS is a worthless, lying false prophet and time will prove this to be true. But he is "brilliant," and has a convincing argument, like the WTS. So for the time being, that's all we can do. We really can't do no more.

    Actually that statement, shows that you are not a very good student of scripture, even AFTER leaving the WTS foolish teachings. You are telling me, Fred Franz, CT Russell, Judge Rutherford were BRILLIANT BIBLE SCHOLARS representing the WTS? All of the false doctrine they taught, and they are brilliant?

    No, but they were all idiots. And we were idiots to follow them too. It doesn't take but 5 minutes to prove every JWs completely wrong on all of their major doctrines. 1914, invisible parousia, 607, 144,000 going to heaven, Jesus not our mediator, and on and on. Only a fool would really believe such things. And yet, that is precise what you and I believed. So then, were we as the fabulous JWs of our day, were we "brilliant" bible students, Smitty? Ha! Ha! We were not brilliant bible students by no means. We were not "Beroeans" by no means. And because of that, the WTS made complete fools out of us! Didn't they?

    But we learned better, Smitty. We improved.

    But now you suggest that I am a fool still. I'm still following a "man" and not God's Word. Is that it? I haven't learned from my mistakes, huh? I haven't learned from my mistakes from following the WTS?

    Well if you think this, you are wrong. I am a "beroean" now. I prove everything nowadays, before I believe it.

    But, the big question you need to carefully consider is this: whether MDS teachings "comes from God" or not. Take the Bible and prove him wrong. That's all you've got to do.

    Show him that the "Mystery Chieftain" is really Jesus Christ. Prove that, Smitty. Can you do that? Yes, Smitty, who is the "Mystery Chieftain" of Ezekiel 44:1-3. Can you answer that?

    Otherwise, Smitty you and all the other "cronies" on this board who chide the mention of this potent scriptural information of the "Mystery Chieftain", is an idiot! Plain and simple.

    Jesus said at John 7:24,

    "Stop judging from the outward appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."

    If you can't do this "Smitty," then just shut up. Because you are not making yourself look good to someone who knows what the Bible teaches when you make those kind of idiotic remarks about someone who is teaching scriptures correctly.

    Judge the man on what he teaches "Smitty", and not by your personal prejudices, please.

    Case in point, what Jesus said at John 7:17. I've quoted that powerful passage below in case anyone else is reading this post.

    So Smitty, if "time" is the only thing that PROVES him to be a false prophet and PROVES his "message" false to you, then you stand in an unenviable position I'd say. Its not a scriptural position, my friend.

    Especially since your can't prove him wrong SCRIPTURALLY using the Bible, as you should. Jesus discharged you, a christian, with the distinct responsibility to PROVE all false prophets wrong, scripturally using God's Word. Their message is flawed and according to Jesus, and it should be proveable, exposable. You ought to be able to do it.

    Like the "Mystery Chieftain". Take that information and PROVE HIM WRONG, Smitty. That's all you you've got to do to convince me of anything.

    Here are your scriptures:

    Ezekiel 44:1-3; 45:22; 46:16, 17

    Who is this person, Smitty?

    If you don't know, then just shut up, will ya?

    "Even anyone foolish, when keeping silent, will be regarded as wise; anyone closing up his own lips, as having understanding." -- Proverbs 17:28

    Even a fool is regarded as wise when he shuts up, "Smitty". And scripturally speaking, you are an idiot.

    And in the meantime, learn to "test" the message, for a change. And quit talking about, "well...we have to wait on time and see for ourselves."

    If that is all you can come up with, you are a pitiful example of a christian follower of Jesus. Simply because you can't "TEST" THE MESSAGE. You show your own inability to examine the message, in the light of Proverbs 18:17 and make a scriptural cross-examination and prove the message wrong, SCRIPTURALLY. That's scripturally, which admittedly is something you cannot do.

    So, the only thing you can do, is presumptuously call him a false prophet, BEFORE THE FACT REVEALS THEMSELVES. Which is of course, quite stupid on your part.

    But, in the meantime, after carefully reading his material, you proclaim to the world "he is quite brilliant", "convincing" even, and you cannot disprove his teachings scripturally, as a "Beroean" should be able to do, using God's Word. (Acts 17:11) But you say, don't believe him, time will prove him to be a false prophet. And that's all you can say about the matter.

    How stupid!

    Smitty, my opinion of you is that you are the one who is running ahead of Jehovah, since your can't take the scriptures and PROVE MDS wrong. You can't show him, for instance that the "Mystery Chieftain" is not correctly taught. So you are the one presumptuous here and not making proper use of the scriptures. -- Ezekiel 44:1-3


    John 7:17

    If anyone wants to do His will, he will understand whether the teaching is from God or if I am speaking on My own. (Holman)

    Acts 17:11
    The people here were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, since they welcomed the message with eagerness and examined the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. (Holman)
    2 Corinthians 13:5
    Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith. Examine yourselves. Or do you not recognize for yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you?--unless you fail the test. (Holman)
    1 John 4:1
    Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (Holman)

    1 Thessalonians 5:21

    But test everything carefully; hold on to the good; (NIV)

    Revelation 2:2
    I know your works, your labor, and your endurance, and that you cannot tolerate evil. You have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and you have found them to be liars. (Holman)

    Smitty, this what first century christians were able to do. They were able to "test" the message. Why can't you?


    Edited by - bjc2012 on 17 October 2002 23:50:45

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