Bill Bowen visits German WT branch office

by GermanXJW 18 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • GermanXJW

    On 12th October, Bill Bowen went to the German branch office in Selters/Ts. He came not further than the gate, where he was allowed to contact Werner Rudtke, member of the Branch Committee, via telephone. After some minutes, Rudtke excused for his "bad English" and connected to Hans Obermeier, another Bethel member. It seems that both knew whom they were dealing with.

    They said this was an American topic and hence Brooklyn was the place to be contacted by Bowen. They said, in Germany only a few isolated cased are known.

    Bowen was accompanied by members of an Ex-JW-Organisation and a former "silent lamb".

    See the story with pictures: at

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    That Bill gets around.

  • minimus

    These trips must cost a lot of money. And he doesn't even solicit.

  • Dismembered

    Poor Bill looks tired


  • Searchin50

    Thank GOD for this MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I glorify his guts and backbone for having the spunk to confront these people.

    May GOD be with him. Yes Mr.Bowen YOU are making a tremendous effort,

    in all that you are doing for SO many people that can't do it for themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    May the Spirit of the living GOD go with you always.

    He is on the childrens side, it's not your fault He, chose You to speak out.


  • abbagail

    Yeah, right, "It's an American problem." and "Pass the Buck back to NY"!

    And everybody thought Bill desperately needed a vacation, yet he is once again out on the Frontlines! Hurray for Silentlambs and supporters!

    (I knew he said he was going out of the country, but he didn't say where. Couldn't help but have a sneaking suspicion he was heading off to another Branch somewhere, so Thanks GermanJW for posting this info, and the associated links!)


  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Awesome Bill!

    By the way, I'm getting close to finishing the project you gave me.

  • outnfree

    Good for you, Bill!!! and thanks to the local German abuse advocates and the silent-no-longer-lamb who had the courage to make a stand with you!

    The report by Mr. Wolf seems quite thorough -- but I've only had 2 yrs. high school German. Anyone out there who could translate the link?



  • UnDisfellowshipped


    Great Idea!

    I used to Translate the Web Page, and I have posted it below, hopefully it will come out looking okay:

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    William H. Bowen in Selters

    If of sexual child abuse among witnesses Jehovas is the speech, usually also the name William H. Bowen falls. The former oldest one from the USA, which was excluded meanwhile because of its activities, is founder of the organization silentlambs . After of it silentlambs March organized to the world center of the witnesses Jehovas in Brooklyn, New York, came Bowen also to Selters, over among other things the Germany center of the organization an attendance abzustatten.

    William H. Bowen at the doorman little house in Selters

    in the discussion with Werner Rudtke

    Presentation of a lamb

    as symbol for the victims of sexual abuse

    On Saturday, 12 October 2002 a small group at sparkling wine reconnaissance aircraft at the station of Niederselters in the Taunus met. Also of the portion were Jutta Birlenberg, foundress of KIDS e.V. (children in destructive sparkling wines) in Leverkusen, as well as Nora duke, Henriette Ban and Stephan E. Wolf of the sparkling wine stepping out he and concerning initiative AUS/STIEG e.V.
    in Jockgrim/Pfalz. They had come, in order to accompany William H. Bowen with its attendance of the Germany center of the being awake tower company into Selters.

    Bill, how William H. Bowen is called meanwhile within the stepping out he scene, had come among other things to Germany, in order to carry out for a young witness Jehovas assistance, which had been abused as a small child of its father. It had made, like already many other concerning in similar situations the painful experience that neither the oldest ones of their meeting were ready, still the witnesses Jehovas as organization to proceed against the author. The nut/mother of the young woman separated in the meantime from her man, who was excluded neither nor pulled in any way to the account and further as more outstanding Jehovas witnessed from house to house goes.

    William H. Bowen before the entrance

    to the Germany center of the being awake tower company

    in Selters/Taunus

    William H. Bowen, silentlambs with Jutta Birlenberg,

    KIDS e.V. before the approach road of the being awake tower company

    in Selters

    William H. Bowen with a lamb which is silent so far

    William H. Bowen, silentlambs

    and Stephan E. Wolf, Sekteninitiative AUS/STIEG e.V.

    Bowens intention was it to make the being awake tower company attentive on the fact that there are numerous cases of abuse also in Germany and that it is highest time for the being awake tower company to consider their behavior practiced so far opposite victims and authors.

    At the gate of the center of the being awake tower company Bowen asked for a discussion with Werner Rudtke, member of the board of the being awake tower company of the witnesses Jehovas in Germany. This was gotten by the doorman to the telephone and to Bowen explained his intention. He asked for a clarifying discussion to this oppressive topic, about which the director/conductor of the legal department of the being awake tower company in Selters, had said Uwe W. Herrmann only recently in a television interview: " Us, which is religious community in Germany such cases well-known for Germany not ".

    Rudthke knew immediately, with whom he had to do it. It delivered itself stressed friendly reserved, fallow however after few minutes the discussion with the reference that its English knowledge would be not sufficient and it wanted to get another interlocutor. Bowen did not notice its companions opposite that he would not have the impression at all, Rudtke understands it and called the procedure delaying tactics. It held it also for remarkable that one would let it wait despite repeated request to a personal discussion outside in cold weather and the smallest institutes does not make to ask it at least the inside the building.

    It passed approximately one quarter of an hour, until the announced discussion partner announced itself. Not personally, but likewise only at the telephone. He introduced himself as Hans's upper Meier. Also he knew obviously exactly, with whom he had to do it and got involved in a scarcely zehnminuetiges discussion with Bowen. Bowen stated in detail which its request is. It expressed that it as a large error regard it, how the witnesses Jehovas dealt with cases of sexual child abuse. Whereby it above all the fact anprangerte that such clearly criminal actions were treated only internally, instead of doing the only correct and to switch the prosecution authorities on.

    Bowen referred the USA to an internal card index in the being awake tower center in Brooklyn, in which over 23.500 of such cases would be registered. Its interlocutor stated that it predominantly concerns thereby an American problem, for which also the American center of the being awake tower company is responsible. Here in Germany however only some few individual cases are well-known. On which Bowen answered the fact that this could not be correct would have announced itself because at its organization silentlambs also from Germany a whole set of abuse victims.

    Upper Meier referred again to the American center of the being awake tower company and said that one implements their instructions here in Germany only. It is to turn therefore directly to Brooklyn.

    For the conclusion of the discussion William H. Bowen asked its interlocutor whether he could present a small gift to him. He can do this gladly, came the answer, he is it simple with the doorman back to leave. William H. Bowen presented a small stofftier in form of a lamb - symbol for the zigtausend which are silent sheep of God, the victims of sexual encroachments had been left and by the organization, to which they had brought absolute confidence, in the pass are.

    Stephan E. Wolf


    Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 15 October 2002 3:43:1

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