I am kind of sad right now!

by KKLUV155 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • KKLUV155

    This is my dog Meenu(pronounced Me-new). A couple of days ago I noticed her eyes were starting to swell so I took her to the vet yesterday. They told me that she has Glaucoma in both eyes. The vet said that if they can't controll the swelling of her eyes that it could damage her eyes and she could go blind. I am very upset about it. I have been keeping the sadness to myself all day but I just need to let a little of it out. She is only 6 years old. The vet said it was unusual for a dog this age to have this. I have to put drops in her eyes 4x a day for maybe the rest of her life. I am so upset. Thank you for letting me ramble.


    Edited by - kkluv155 on 4 October 2002 1:22:17

    Edited by - kkluv155 on 4 October 2002 2:53:43

  • Marilyn

    What a bummer. I'm so sorry that you're little loved one has this illness. Will the drops slow up the progression of the disease? Your little dog will be ok as long as she has you to care for her. It's very sad though - I know.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I'm so sorry. Dogs are always such a big part of the family and facing the loss of her must seem like losing a child. Again, I am very sorry . . . .

  • jeannie

    I am so sorry...I know the feeling of having a pet have a disease..My sister is a vet in NC and she cries every time a pet is brought in that has a disease..she has adopted so many dogs that were ready to be put down..I thought that poodles had a tendency to have eye problems...Try not to let this get you down too much..even though I know how difficult it is..and you didnt ramble...I understand...hugs jeannie/NY

  • LyinEyes

    KK, can you keep her in the house? Even if she loses sight in both her eyes, if she is housebound and has a little yard, she can still live a happy dog life. Especially with a owner who can care for her and make things easy for her as her sight fails. I have watched many shows on tv where animals lost one sense and the others take over and they can still live a full life. If may take extra work on you to make her or his enviroment safe, but you seem to really love the dog.

    I saw a blind woman, who rode a blind horse , and they both worked in harmony with each other and she rode the horse in a corral and it was amazing. I know it is sad, but your dog would want your love more than his or her own sight , that is what is so special about dogs. Let us know what happens, because I have a pug, and pugs are known to get cateracts and lose sight in their eyes as they age.I had one pug , that was old and she couldnt see very far , and only out of one eye. But she was at my side always and was a happy little dog, inspite of her blindness. As long as I was near she was ok. I hope my new pug doesnt get injured in his eyes.

  • avengers

    Hello. I am not a medical professional, but from what I know is that there is a drug that at least helps with glaucoma.

    You might not actually believe it, but the drug is Cannabis Sativa. In other words Marijuana; weed; grass or whatever you might call it.

    It helps people. The medical profs. actually prescribe it for glaucoma. It helps humans. Dogs I don't know, but it can't hurt that's for sure.

    You'll probably get one happy puppy though.


  • Vivamus

    Hey sweetie. I know what you mean, I am always upset too when something happens to my dog. They are so sweet and trust us so much, it is sad when we can't help them. Do what the vet tells you, and keep her indoors. If you keep the arrangement of furniture like it is, she will be able to walk around it and so.

  • Silverleaf

    Hello KK,

    I'm sorry to hear about your dog. Glaucoma is a terrible disease - I've learned a lot about it since ny son [age 4 1/2] was diagnosed with it in March of this year. He has been on as many as 5 different eye drops at one time and has had six eye surgeries that have not been successful in controlling the pressure. Just as I did not know children could get glaucoma [or be born with it] I did not know dogs could get it either. There are a number of eye drops and even oral medication for people with glaucoma, if the drops your vet has prescribed do not help you may want to ask him if any of the drops that are available for humans would help.

    Good luck,


  • ugg

    that is just so sad!!!! ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( hugs ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • FreeFallin

    (((((((((((((KK and baby)))))))))))))))))

    I'm so sorry to hear about your little poodle. When I saw their pictures on the cats/dogs thread, I just fell in love with the little apricot girl. I wanted to tell you how nice they all looked. And who ever groomed them did a beautiful job.

    My sheltie started to go blind when she was about 10. The vet described it as a black pigment growing over the eyes that obstructs vision. Her eyes were almost black to begin with, so she always looked okay. He was amazed that she could still jump up on furniture as a 12 year old. In our house, if I put a pile of magazines on the floor, it's liable to stay there for 5 years or so!! So not rearranging furniture too much is important.

    Good luck with her, I know you'll give her all the attention and love she needs.


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