Are we wrong to attack the Elders?

by MARTINLEYSHON 61 Replies latest jw friends


    I see a number of board members alluding to the elders as antagonists. This is amoral. There is an inference that these ones ( elders ) can think for themselves, they cannot. You ex- elders who elicit winsome words of wisdom on this board, recall when you were serving faithfully and were in possession of your KMS textbook book how did you feel? Superior perhaps? because you were privy to information that the R&F did not have?

    Lets be honest and without fear of contradiction the majority of Elders are scared shitless of loosing their coveted position, they would not for a mille second contemplate going against the GB.

    The Circuit overseer comes along ( A wondering itinerant) waves his big stick do or else and most of them cave in. Its so sad.

    So my point is this: Stop attacking the Elders they are merely pawns used by the GB disposable dispensable. For goodness sake 2 elders on my committee who disfellowshipped me were my so called friends. One of them I brought into the truth studied with him. The other I mentored until the day I left. These men did not want to Disfellowship me to the contrary one of them broke down in tears. They did what they were told to do.

    I was high profile, media spokesperson PO etc...

    These men cant think for themselves, they are not allowed to. Stop attacking these lambs. They are puppets to be used and discarded. Now I know this post is going to infuriate some of you who have been on the receiving end of unjust elders, however before you reply think of the vein in which this post is threaded.


    Edited by - MARTINLEYSHON on 2 October 2002 6:34:27

    Edited by - MARTINLEYSHON on 2 October 2002 6:41:15

    Edited by - MARTINLEYSHON on 2 October 2002 6:42:8

  • jwsons

    If they are honest enough, they should quit and stop teach WacoTower and Dark Society policies like most of us here. Many of us are former elders. Even Bethellites for many years.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Are they without guilt because they "do not know what they do", or is it that Elders are scared shitless of loosing their coveted position. If I am offered enough inducement to impede the health of my neighbour, can I be held responsible? - I mean, afterall, my needs are very important.

    Beats me.... I'm not the judge - they're of the world, and think and behave in the ways of the world, where people "earn their fair share" - so it's appropriate they're treated as taxcollectors. How do you treat taxcollectors? You give them what they want, even begrudgingly - and give to God what is God's.

    Are they responsible? Just speak against their way, and talk of Good News.


    Edited by - a paduan on 2 October 2002 7:10:43

  • Pathofthorns
    Lets be honest and without fear of contradiction the majority of Elders are scared shitless of loosing their coveted position,

    I have no respect for anyone that sells out others or fails to do "what's right" in order to keep a POSITION. These guys need to start behaving like men and RESIGN on principle when asked to do something they don't personally agree with.

    I realize they are likely ignorant of many things, but many times they are following orders they don't agree with personally to KEEP A POSITION, and that is WRONG.

    Many men have resigned and I think many more will do so in the future. This is leaving alot of others who have sold out alot of friendships to get and stay where they are. To be loyal to an organization over the people that make it up is just sickening.

    I see no reason not to make these arrogant ones realize that they can be sued and that the Society will sell them out in the end. If that is what it takes to make them wake up and stop ruining lives, I see nothing wrong with it.


  • InquiryMan

    That is why I finally resigned.

    However, most elders I know are decent, good people, although mentally stuck to WT mindset.
    There are various degrees of dependende though. some are very robot, whereas others (at least in private)
    are much more open minded.

    Elders are not necessarily a homogenous group.
    Please do not lump all into one category.

    But, I guess in the end, the decent, thinking ones will finally step down.

  • larc

    I think attacking the elders is much like workers attacking their supervisor. Instead, they should be attacking upper management who put in the supervisors and didn't select or traing them properly. I think the same thing applies to the WT. The fault is with the GB and their staff.

  • Pathofthorns

    I also wanted to add that imo most elders were basically good persons (so as not to lump them all in the same category).

    But I also believe that while one is an elder, at some point he will face choices to do what is morally/ethically right or to be "loyal" to the "arrangement" or to side with more influential elders or to take the path of least resistance.

    I don't believe there are acceptable reasons for an elder to sell out anyone or to allow a serious injustice to be perpetuated against someone in his care so that he can keep his position.

    While I can excuse some of our behavior while a JW due to general ignorance, I cannot excuse behavior that is just plain due to a lack of personal integrity and love of people.



    I have to say I agree with all your responses thus far. Logical thinking comes to mind keep it up.


  • Trauma_Hound

    If they do something just to hold they're position, then I'm sorry, but they deserve all the crap we give them, there are many elders that have stepped down, because they wanted to do the right thing, and were not allowed to, I commend these individuals, like for instance Bill Bowen. However if your there just to be on a power trip, then you have no integrity.

  • garybuss

    There are 95,000 congregations worldwide, each with 3 to 5 elders appointed by Corporation decision. The elders dispense with 40,000 to 60,000 men, women, and children every year.

    Just for context, there were over six thousand SS- troops working at Auschwitz alone.

    How are the elders different by nature from the Nazi SS troops? Were the SS troops simply pawns, not to be blamed? If so, why? If not, why?


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