Sisters going after minor brothers

by nowaytess 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • nowaytess

    I know when it comes to pedophiles we are young girls or teenage girls who have been molested by men.

    I know of 2 cases where a teenage boy is being seduced by an older woman in the congregation.

    I know of one when I was a JW in my congregation. She was 24 and he was 15 1/2 - 16 when they meet. Now they married when he turned 18 a month after he graduated from high school. Since the perpatrator married his victim make it no less child molestation.

    I mean how much of a romance can an 18 yearld old have a month after he graduates?

    I know they used to go out in service together and drop me off when they would drive off alone. I know she targeted for him and he is an elders son.

    Right now I have a teen boy IM me on the fact he is having sex with a 46 year old pioneer sister. It is hard to track his profile and screen name to report. I understand this is the internet so caution is taken in thie case.

    Does anyone know of other cases where an older sister goes after a teenage boy for sexaul based relationship?

    Let me ask you what in the world make a older woman go after a teenage boy for sex/relationship?

    These teens don't look at it is child molestaion because they are enjoyning the sex. I know they feel guilty because they are enjoying it as part of a willing act. Teen boys are not seen as victims but they really are more so.

    If heard of an older brother going after a 15 year old sister we would be outraged. Why can we not be as put raged if an older woman goes after a teenage boy?

    Older woman can control their sexaul impulses and desires. When seducing a teenage boy who is expericning strong sexaul urges in puburty she is exercising a very powerful control over him. These teenage boys feel a stronger sense of guilt and shame. Society gives them the thumbs up for sleping with an older woman and not the crime of child molestation and statutory rape as trurthfully is.

    Shame on these sisters who go after young teenage boys, It would be hard for them to enjoy or have a relationsip with a woman thier own age as these teens become adults. These boys have had a taste of an expericed woman so a younger female would not be able to satify the craving of sexual fulfillment the older woman given him.

  • Satanus

    A sad part of this type of thing among the dubs is, if the woman gets the young guy to marry, he is essentially her prisoner. He enjoyed the sex, but when he wakes up, he finds he doesn't love her, and would like to get out of it. But he can't. According to the wt and the bible, he is now stuck w this woman until either one dies. There is no honorable way out for him. I know of a situation something like this. I am sure there are many more among the dubs. At least nondubs can divorce. Again, the wt policies, by their intransigence are stupid and cruel.


  • animal

    The first time I ever got laid was when I was 15 and she was twenty-something... an older JW woman.


  • nowaytess


    Did you ever marry the sister? Was the incident ever reported? If it was did any action come out of it?

    Was it a one time thing or a long term sexaul relationship?

    How did you feel after a while?

    Did she ever come on to you or you to her?

    Looking back now, do you see it as child abuse?

    Sorry I am asking suck upfront questions. I like to see the full scope of a more hidden problems for which the male teen victims have a much smaller voice.

  • nowaytess

    I feel the problem is on a grander scale than most of us relize.

    I just feel when older JW woman have little to no prospect in the Organization. The pressure for them to marry JWS, this activity is more likely going to become more common place.

    So may of these older women have their sites set on these young teen brother who have to compete with female teen sister whom young brother would be more appropiate to go after. Older woman have more experice than the young boys they are setting their sites on. So an molestation relationship is better than none at all.

  • plmkrzy
    I know of 2 cases where a teenage boy is being seduced by an older woman in the congregation.

    Don't know if anyone wants to count this but I personally thought it was discusting.

    I know of one "sister" who was 43 at the time and seduced a "16 going on 17" "very mature for his age" boy. When he turned 18 they got married. Her children took them out to celebrate to a night club. Her new hubby was not allowed to enter the club. He got carded. They thought he would just be able to slip in undetected because he was with them. Her son by the way was 26 at the time.

  • animal

    ya, I reported it... to all my buddies...... but not to any JW. Wasnt thier business.

    As for any after effects, I spent the rest of my life liking older women. Other than that, I cant see any.

    I am not making light of whatever you see as some bigger thing, really. To me, back in 1972, it was one of many conquests to be had, nothing more, nothing less.

    *edited to answer:

    Did you ever marry the sister?


    Was the incident ever reported?

    Not that I know of.

    If it was did any action come out of it?

    Dunno.. she left for Finland shortly after that.

    Was it a one time thing or a long term sexaul relationship?

    Lasted all of 5 minutes, including foreplay.

    How did you feel after a while?

    Like a crusader.

    Did she ever come on to you or you to her?

    Never saw her again, I dont think.

    Looking back now, do you see it as child abuse?

    Nope... had I been 12, yes. I was almost 16, so no.


    Edited by - animal on 30 September 2002 1:28:45

  • nowaytess

    I think you answer my question and made my point clear.

    Liking older women was a result of your experice.

    Also because you were 16 you looked at it as a conquest not a crime. I feel if you were a sister who was 16 and a 20 someting brother came on to you, it would be viewed more as staturoty rape.

    Men are taught to accept this as normal sexual conquest and a thumbs up. Girls it is a thumbs down.

  • DakotaRed

    Tess, although not JW related, here are some sites addressing the issue of female molesters. Surf through them and read some of the stories.

    Lew W

  • animal

    Well, maybe you would have came up with the same theory reguardless of my answers. I hadnt thought much about it until my memory was jogged with your post. I tend to let the past be the past and get on with life.

    I have a daughter, and she will most likely have sex by the time she is 16, of one sort or the other. Girls tend to attract to older guys at that age, so no, it wouldnt surprise me if she did it with a 18 or 20 year old. Would I like it, no. Not because of the age diff, but because at that age you dont appreciate it like you do when your older. It is better to wait for that reason, for one.


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