JW crack ho charged with murder

by Nathan Natas 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Kenneson

    I fail to see how this woman could have been a bonafide Jehovah's Witness. If she were, she got away with it for a long time. She didn't hide her drug problems from her family and friends. How could she possibly fool JWs?

  • plmkrzy
    She didn't hide her drug problems from her family and friends. How could she possibly fool JWs?

    We don't know whats true and what isn't at this point in time. We may never know. Also just because he said it doesn't have to mean what we may think it means. Who knows how strung out she was, if she was.

    And we also don't know anything about her standing in the congergation. Or her mental state, or if she even had one.

    Those JWs that I have known were never in "good standing" and there was always "suspission" but unless there was proof, there could be no action taken against them, not even for being strung out on drugs. The most that would happen would be a JC meeting to "ask" if there was something needed to be confessed. and perhaps some counsling.


  • cellomould

    Perhaps those meetings in the front room were elders' meetings.


  • Archangel

    Surprised at how many people presume she did it. Surely she's innocent till proved guilty. Shame on all you for assuming her guilt and you JW's for turning on maybe one of your own without waiting for the facts.

    Poor girl, she may be completely innocent and being set up.Has anyone been to see her ?

  • SixofNine

    NO! You idiot, it was the JW, it's always the JW.

    Six- apostate Clue class.

  • Perry

    "We talk. Sometimes we watch 'Guiding Light.' We play cards and rent videos. She cooked and cleaned and the sex was great," he said.

    Well, it would appear that she had plenty of practice. While he worked the 5pm to 3am shift....I guess she she did too. These people sound like pure trash....the husband included. Instead of getting help for his wife, or divorcing her sorry ass, sounds like all he cared about was playing hide the pickle.

    Pure scum.

  • JT

    OTHER religions occasionally try to actually HELP their members when they get into trouble. Not the WTB&TS; their solution is to have the afflicted one spend more time selling WTS publications door-to-door, attend more meetings, whisper more unto the deaf Jehovah sock-puppet


    so true our elder school instructor told us that 95% of your problems can be solved by asking 3 questions and a no answer to anyone of them is where the problem lies for the publisher:

    1. are you reg at the hall

    2. are you reg in service

    3 are you reading your literature

    any NO answer to the above and that is the reason they are having problem

    this simple minded solutions is the hall mark of most elders

    just ask anyone on this board how many times they have been asked the above 3 quesiton when they went to the elders for help

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