Attack on Iraq a Bush family thing..

by kelsey007 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    "It only means that man is capable of many evil deeds- even those that he covers over- whitewashes and denies."

    Yea kelsey, I'm getting a real life lesson on that now watchting WORLD BANK/ IMF rally and protest. The skit kicked serious ass.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Gywen, would you kindly expain to me how the Indians lost their land?

    Please advise me were you got your education about Native American Indians.

    Guest 77

  • Gywen

    You said "stole and killed Native American Indians for their LAND". I don't think you and I are discussing the same things. BTW, My grandmother is 100% american indian and grew up on a reservation.

    I don't care to waste my time with word games.

    My point is this, I have observed that people give so much mental energy to a great conspiracy to take over the world, that they feel powerless to do anything. They give up because they think that the state, or whatever conspiracy is all knowing, and all powerful. But the truth is that they (whoever "they" are) are not all powerful and all knowing. The mess up all the time. We do have power and influence. God is greater than any conspiracy. God is in control, not the conspirators.

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