My first Post: Am I an ADULTERER?

by The Alchemist 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    This is 2002, not 29 A.D. and society and society's laws are different.

    We are told we must obey the law of the superior authorities. This HAS to mean that we accept the underlying philosophy upon which the law is based.

    In today's society, marriage is viewed by the law and - more importantly - TREATED by the law as nothing more than a contract. And no contract can continue to be enforced if one of the parties thereto wishes to end it. Implicitly in this society, we know going in to marriage that we have quite a few ways of terminating that contract. As recently as the 1950s this was not true. Divorce was hard to get and people had to either stage an adultery, or travel to Reno, or Mexico, or somewhere to get one. Now, as society has evolved, divorce is easier to obtain.

    The WTBTS, however, has a VESTED INTEREST in keeping divorce hard to obtain. If they can keep two people together even though they no longer want to be, the Society can keep its membership numbers up.

    Finally, Jesus was expressing his idealistic opinion about marriage. Organized religion has nothing to do with marriage, except insofar as it has arrogated to itself a position in this civil contract.

    Think for a moment. This contract says, in part, "what God has linked together, let no man put asunder." The very fact of divorce is proof, prima facie evidence that God had nothing whatever to do with the institution of marriage. If God DID have anything to do with linking together two personalities or even two objects, they would STAY thus linked until God himself separated them. Thus falls and fails the church's argument that it has ought to do with marriage.

    Marriage is a simple agreement, contract, between two contracting parties that may be set aside by those two parties as they wish.

    Adultery? Maybe if this was 29 A.D., but it isn't. You are no more an adulterer than I'm the Virgin Mary. Enjoy your family and the love of your new wife. And consider it no more. I have spoken.

    (Just kidding. I thought it would be humorous to throw that in, so I did. Anything for a chuckle, I say.)

    I also say you're not guilty of anything but loving another human being. Congratulations! I believe that's what God had in mind.


    Edited by - francois on 22 September 2002 14:10:40

  • garybuss

    Hi Alchemist

    Congratulations! And best wishes.

    Any who do not accept me or those important to me are mince meat in my book. JW's can kiss my butt and they can stick their stupid shunning rules where the sun don't shine.

    Shunning somebody cause they get married is horse crap. Just to keep you in fear of reprisal is a crime. What a crock! Sorry!

    Hope it all goes well.


  • DJ

    Hi Alchemist,

    I think that you should print out the transcript of the Sunday Program ( Thread by Jang posted today) and let your mom read it.

  • teejay
    My concern is the interpretation of the scripture that all those who marry again
    are automatically an adulter/adultress. It's not guilt I have, but I would like to
    have is a good counter argument using JW "logic." I want to be ready. So what
    are your suggestions? Soon I want to introduce my new family.

    Hiya, Alky,

    I don't know what you're trying to accomplish here! What is it you want? To be an "approved adulterer"? You have a relationship with the only Dub you know, so why jump through hoops? I mean... what's your point, dude?!!

    p.s. My answer to your question is: there is NO counter argument. It's pretty much black and white (as are most things in JW World). Keep your new wife and son on the down-low if you know what's good for you.

    Then again, you can tell 'em all to eff-off and just live your life. That's always an option.

  • Solace

    My father left when I was young. My mother is a baptized witness and at the time was told by the elders that in order to be scriptually free, she would have to find my father and prove that he comitted adultry. Not wanting to be disfellowshipped, she remained faithful and single until she could find him and give the society their proof. The only problem was, we could not locate him. Years went by and she finally discovered that as soon as he left, maybe even before, he had met somone else and had another child who was by then almost 10 years old.

    Basically she remained single and we grew up without a father because the society said they needed their proof.

    Im not sure of the societies current view on scriptual freedom. I have heard they have relaxed a bit and dont get as involved in marital situations or divorces as they used to. Your mom may be unaware of the changes, I know my mom is. I tried to tell her but she wont listen. I guess shes in denile and doesnt want to think about how she remained alone all those years for nothing.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    The Watchtower Society will probably say that you are adulterer.

    However, let me make a few comments about what Jesus Christ said in the Bible.

    He said that it was adultery for someone to lust after another person in their hearts.

    However, Jesus Christ is unbelievably forgiving to people who are truly repentant and ask for His forgiveness.

    The only sin that cannot be forgiven is the SIN AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT.

    And you know what, as long as a person is repentant, he HAS NOT committed the SIN AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT.

    Jesus Christ understands why people do what they do.

    However, I am in no way condoning practicing sin against God.

    Jesus Christ Himself says the following about UNrepentant sinners against God:

    Revelation 22:14: Blessed are those who do His Commandments, that they may have the right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in by the gates into the City.
    Revelation 22:15: Outside are the dogs (impure filthy people), the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

  • Yerusalyim


    If you're hoping to convince just the average JW out there you probably won't have much luck. You're Mom sounds somewhat reasonably from what you've said. IF you and your ex weren't married by an Elder you can say that since you weren't married "before God" you weren't really married. Not knowing all the details it's hard to try to give you an appropriate angle here.

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