Dateline wants to cover the March Sept 27

by ARoarer 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • ARoarer

    The producer from Dateline called us to make sure we would be at the March on the 27th. They are sending a film crew to cover it and I hope there will be a nice turnout to represent all who have had Watchtower imposing silence of their sexual abuse. They may do a follow up to their earlier program that aired last spring.

  • BoozeRunner

    I do indeed hope they cover the march, as well as do a followup on the Dateline program. I intend to attend the march on the 27th. This issue needs to be further publicized as the WTS continues to blind its followers as well as the public as to their policies.


    Edited by - BoozeRunner on 18 September 2002 1:52:6

  • abbagail

    This is GREAT NEWS, ARoarer! Thanks for filling us in. I'm SURE they will do a follow-up. I feel the March is going to be a huge success!


  • truthseeker1

    So how many people are going?

    not expecting a roll call, just wondering on the numbers..

  • ARoarer

    I will be there to show my support to those who were treated the way we were. Watchtower is not finding it so easy to keep it's members in the dark. They are looking more and more like a primitive abusive religion, that is not a source of comfort for it's members. Kind of like the Taliban

  • DevonMcBride

    The Watchtower's 3 big nemesis are the internet, the media and the law.


    Edited by - devonmcbride on 18 September 2002 8:33:45

  • scumrat


  • RevMalk

    I know there are at least 5 of us going. I have been a bit concerned myself on the numbers that will show. I know alot of people are saying they'll be there, but will they? I hope so, it's very very important, and I'm sure if anyone is worried about being seen on Dateline they can have their faces blotted out. But you can't wear a mask in a march in NY, it's against New York City Law (However, wearing a wig and sunglasses is NOT). I think this is what's held alot of people back from these types of things, but now is the time to put that aside, we are no longer in hiding, we have nothing to be ashamed of, so let's show it! The Lambs need us, not just those that have been hurt, but the ones who are being hurt right now, and in the future! Your families need this, your neighbors and friends. Remember, these people are being sent right to your door and the world needs to hear and understand this! It's a tragedy and it's up to us to help everyone involved. And when I say everyone involved, that means everyone in the world. We are carrying a message more important than any other in History. What could be more important than stopping a WORLDWIDE abuse of innocent children??

    It's important to be there, You have to be there! (obviously there are reasons why some can't make it)

    We would sleep in a tent in the middle of a field to make it to a Watchtower Convention, let's show that same zeal for an important message and cause!

    RevMalk Speaks - You cannot DF All of the people all of the time, BUT, you can DF most of the people some of the time.
    Saratoga Springs, NY Congregation Refugee

    September 27th, 2002 - A day in History, will YOU be there?

  • Tatiana

    Oh, how I hate not having a computer!!! I've missed so damn much. I have no idea what this march is or where it's supposed to be. Is there a thread with more info? Or can someone please tell me about it? I am so in the dark.......


    duh...maybe I should read a little more before asking questions. Anyway.....I think it's a wonderful idea.

    Edited by - Tatiana on 18 September 2002 12:13:6

  • Angharad

    Have a look at this thread Tatiana


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