Brother got thrown in jail

by TTBoy 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TTBoy

    I wasn't sure where to post this, no reply posts are necessary. I guess I just needed to vent, get it out of my system.

    Since I can't talk to my family because they are JW I need some outlet.

    I really wish this was made up, unfortunately it is the sad facts. My grandfather, 82 years old, still works full time at our business and I pray these recent events do not send him to his grave.

    My brother (non-JW) was indited (3 felony inditements) for the first time, I think, over 2 years ago for selling GHB. Since their key witness has never appeared in court, i'm talking probobly over ten times, and is on the run from authorties, they dropped the charges.

    They have just recently re-indited him. GHB is a liquid that with only 1/4 ounce can make you feel like like you drank 12-24 beers. I can not comment on the details of the case but the only evidence against him is a personal statement (to make a deal with the DA) from the person who alledgely bought it from him (the man on the run from police). They have no phone tap records, no fingerprints, nothing but what this guy said. This person has a rap sheet of burglary, he tried to run someone over with a car, and he has never appeared in court to testify and faces 3 years in jail for being caught with the drug.

    My brother has already paid over 40k on lawyers! YES $40,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CASH!!!!

    So he goes to court today and waits downstairs. His lawyers say we'll call you up when they're ready. They call him on his cell phone and tell him to get up there quick. He goes and when he gets to the floor the bailiff grabs him and they throw him in jail for contempt of court. From what the lawyer said (these are good ones, the first filed multiple continuences and collected 20k) the bailiff lied about something. The lawyers exact words were, "what happened was complete fu**ing bullsh*t". So now my brother has to spend more time in jail. His first inditement court date was incorrect so he missed it and was thrown in jail for a felony warrant when he was pulled over for speeding.

    My brother has no prior record for anything, speeding dosn't count. From what the lawyers have told me the DA thinks he's some big east coast connection because he has a nice house and nice cars which they think he has bought with drug money. Well I can understand that since not too many 25 year olds own a new home and have 2 expensive sprots cars. That makes me sick! Any young person who has nice things is a drug dealer!

    Our family business has QS 9000 / ISO 9001 quality rating. We have our semi-annual audit Thursday. My brother handles this. Our company has spent over 100k on this, we have still to recieve a job from the customer who demanded we have this status! Now, 2 days before we have this audit he is thrown in jail for some BS! Our general Manager just had tripple bypass surgury and has been in a coma since Saturday! I'm about go postal on the Cleveland court system. This is really eating me up. I almost don't know WTF to do.

    Well I guess my main complaint is that many people are depending on the courts to help those who were victimized by the WT for the cover up of abusers. I hope the legal systems that address these cases are more impartial/caring then the ones who are handling my brother's.

    I just find it amazing that you can get 3 felony inditements, with no evidence, based solely on a statement from a convicted criminal who is cutting a deal with the DA to shorten his jail term.

    God bless Silentlambs - I hope you have better luck.


    EDITED to add the following:

    Actually Some kinds words would be appreciated and if there are no reply posts noone will read this. Thank you for listening.

    Edited by - TTBoy on 17 September 2002 20:9:22

  • joannadandy

    Sorry to see this TT...I hope your brother gets things worked out. It has to be frustrating I am sure...

  • PopeOfEruke

    Go buy the CD "Desire" by Bobby Dylan and play Hurricane really loud and sing along here:

    How can the life of such a man
    Be in the palm of some fool's hand?
    To see him obviously framed
    Couldn't help but make me feel ashamed to live in a land
    Where justice is a game.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    This makes me sick. I too have had relatives that were totally mistreated by the law...spent a week in jail (tried to get them out on bail over the holidays, but couldn't).and then the charges were dropped.... a big mistake, but no one would listen. Sorry for your pain....I've been their on a smaller scale.

    Edited by - Double Edge on 17 September 2002 20:28:39

  • hamptonite21

    Just so you know GHB not only makes you feel like a drunk but it also kills you. It is one of the most deadly club drugs and is a epedemic in NYC. Combine GHB and alcohol are deadly regardless of the amount. It has a extemely high overdose level and has been often used as a date rape drug. Most GHB users are at a different level of drug use then just recreational use. It is up there with herion and crack. It is sometime call Liquid E. I hope your brother learns his lesson. Because sorry to hear of the monetary loses but they are far much better than someones LIFE.

  • TTBoy

    I broke down and called my parents and spilled my guts on the situation. They were understanding and said they would call my older brother (active JW) who also works at the business and will try to smooth things over with him. I'm very thankfull that my parents actually care and shame on those who forsake their loved ones.

    Edited to add:

    Thx tonight - yes, you are correct about the severity about this drug. I've personally seen people laying on the floor, passed out, and taken out in ambulances from taking this drug. I believe that's why the prosecutor is really pushing this case. I would like to add though, that the county really has no case and that their time and efforts could be better spent in more worthwile cases that have credible evidence.

    TT - Glad I quit using drugs...............

    Edited by - TTBoy on 17 September 2002 23:40:7

  • outoftheorg

    TTBoy Hello.

    Wow! What a terrible set of circumstances! I assume this is in state court? Is there some public or private watchdog group concerned with justice system actions in your state? Maybe they or the Bar association could suggest something. In some cases going to the media helps. But the whole situation needs thought out before involving the media.

    The only thing I can think of really is to get a GOOD "criminal" defense attorney with a good record of winning cases and go after them and also go after that first lawyer .. But sadly it will all cost big bucks. Maybe in the end the state can be sued for recovery of losses. Again it takes money or some outside entity that will take the issue as a distortion of justice and go for it pro bono. I doubt it would be of any help but the ACLU "even though I don't like them, may be of help.

    I truly hope things ease up on you and your family. Stress is not a good thing on top of all the other worries and business needs you are facing.

    Hang in there guy>

  • TTBoy

    Got the audit changed to next month but my bros still in jail.. The judge won't address the case so they had to file a motion with the appeals court. Hopefully he'll get out Friday.

  • seedy3


    Sorry to hear about your brother, but it is strange I just read an article about a situation in Dallas very simular to this. The case in Dallas involved the local drug inforcement through the Dallas Police Dept, and the use of informants to turn in drug dealers. The larger the bust the more money the informants got. The informants started a scam that they would mix a small amount of cocaine with Gypsim (this is becasue the field tests are not accurate to detect the strength of the cocaine) and then plant it in a car belonging to the victum. He would then report it to his contact in the police dept. and get paid for the amount they siezed. I fortget how much it was, but I do remember it was quite a bit and in the end this informant made about $200k in a year. Most of the victums had no records at all, and were very good citizens, not rich by any means but making it. An attorney in Dallas cought wind of this and started investigatiing it and got quite a few people out of jail afterwords.

    Just a thought, but there may be something to this.


  • Satanus

    From what i understand the cops can sieze most of the posessions of a person being charged, not nesesarily convicted. This also sometimes includes property of those not involved but closely related. Something to consider.


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