And so, They must Beg (WT Nov.1,02)

by metatron 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker1

    What I see happening is they will push and push the 10%, but say if you happen to be in the situation as the old woman was in, just give what you can. But, even then she gave ALL that she had. Remember, they have tricked 6 million people by twisting scriptures, I'm sure they can do it again.

  • SYN

    Truthseeker: You may be more right than you can imagine! I for one wouldn't be surprized in the least if they had some New Light on tithing soon! It's Bible Based (TM) after all! It'll be interesting to see how Dude Henschel rationalizes that one!

  • Analysis

    I think the impact of New Light on tithing on the common JW would be greater than the change in Generations. It would even have a greater impact if they actually tracked the tithing. And that is the reason they will never implement a formal tithing.

    They will just depend on quilt, and more guilt.

  • Bendrr

    You're probably not too far off the mark Truthseeker. They don't have to come out with new light and establish any new policy on contributions. They just have to write a few Watchtower Study articles and Service Meeting parts worded a certain way and the dubs will "voluntarily give x%" and it's never actually an official rule but will be treated as one.

    As usual, stays one step ahead of any "light".

    Col. Bendrr, [classified]

  • Fatal Error
    Fatal Error

    For a while now, my congs contribution total always has a stray penny, which has become a bit of a local joke I guess someone is symbolically sticking a middle finger up at them..

  • abbagail

    Having been away from the org for several years, I didn't even know they had discontinued the food at the conventions until '98 when I as out of state and called a local KHall to get info on the local convention. That elder told me there was no more coffee and no more food. He said the reason was to lighten the load of the brothers and sisters so they could concentrate/devote their time to spiritual things, the convention program, etc. etc. He, of course, made no mention it was to avoid TAXES!

    They are so skilled at manipulating people into showy displays of righteousness, they are failing to get Witnesses to be righteous IN SECRET - hence, they must cover up child molesters...

    HOW RIGHT YOU ARE!!! Well said!


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Gosh darn it SYN, I think you're right!

    If the Borg did receive new light on tithing, the average Dub would start going, "Hey, wait a minute..."

    It would have a greater effect on the average Dub than pedophiles, the UN, the blood fractions, military stock and ecumenical participation combined.

    It will be fascinating to see if "Da Bozz" or one of his successors in the near future decide to take that step.

    As Ozzie so rightly put it, Jehovah is done with them.

  • Stephanus

    Being an Old Testament based religion, I can see the Dubs going for tithing. There are two arguments against it in the Christian era:

    1. There is no verse in the New Testament which says Christians should pay tithes

    2. There is nowhere in the Old Testament which says that the tithe is money

    So, should the 'Tower try to implement tithing, start dumping large amounts of wheat, olives, grapes and figs on the Kingdom Hall doorsteps - this, after all, is what the tithe is, Biblically speaking.

  • ozziepost

    On this basis, could they start keeping the sabbath observance too?


  • SYN

    They'd also have to make way for WAVE OFFERINGS and ANIMAL SACRIFICE. An explosive trade would begin amongst Witnesses for ceremonial garments. NOW is the time to invest in the sackcloth industry, Brothers and Sisters! Of course, this would be great for them, as animal sacrifice is quite possibly illegal in many countries (although this is a point I'm uncertain on), and then the world's opinion would turn rather violently against the Dubs, and they'd be persecuted like never before. Naturally this would be the Governing Body's dream come true, and they would start ringing the Armageddon alarm bells rather stridently while trying to figure out what to do with all that olive oil. Apparently it's good for your digestion, so maybe it could help the GB become regular again LMAO! Pity the GB's heads are so far up their collective arses that not even olive oil and grapes from 6 million Dubs will help them, heh! As Bendrr noted, we're running ahead of Jehover as fast as our legs can carry us on this site! You gotta love it! JWD, always one step ahead of the Organization!

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