dry humping

by freddi 47 Replies latest social relationships

  • freddi

    Freddie - check with Simon if you feel that this post should remain.


    Edited by - hillary_step on 16 September 2002 18:38:2

  • scootergirl

    Go hump yourself..........

  • Fatal Error
    Fatal Error

    Awww, I was hoping this thread would get some replies

    Edited by - fatal error on 16 September 2002 18:39:0

  • SYN

    "Freddi" appears to be a really fun kinda girl!

    Edited to add: Dry humping is when you don't give your camel water for two weeks, right?

    Edited by - SYN on 16 September 2002 18:52:15

  • SixofNine

    Hillary, I'm dissapointed that you took this thread down. I didn't see the original post of course, but I do think that dry humping is a legitimate "witness" topic. This may surprise you, but I had been thinking of starting a thread on the same topic (yes, little old prude me).

    As a witness, dry humping became an art form. Of course things didn't always stay dry and for that I felt guilty sometimes, but for a witness boy who manage to keep his nose clean and his hands....uhm, clean, too, this provided an intense way to kiss really really hard, lol. When nature screams for release, yet you have few options, it's actually amazing what pressure with very little motion can do, provided the pressure stays intense and constant. As an art form, it can provide a together colored instant, if you know what I mean and I know you do, old chappy, nudge nudge, wink wink.

    God, I never thought it would come to this, I'm on the internet talking dirty to a man who's likely old enough to be my father. I gotta get a girlfriend!

    Please feel free to share my thoughts with the missus.

  • Satanus

    Don't some heamatologists have dirty minds too?


  • hillary_step


    Don't some heamatologists have dirty minds too?

    Your persistent, if humorless sarcasm, might raise a puzzled twitch in the corner of a village idiots mouth if you at least learned to spell correctly.


    Simon may choose to re-post the message. I have sent it to him.

    Best - HS

  • Satanus

    Censors ultimately censor because of fears of their own.


  • hillary_step
    Censors ultimately censor because of fears of their own.

    You might be impressed and influenced by comic book philosophy and tired slogans but I am not. What you call censorship, might also be called good manners, civility, and social graces. You know, the kinds of things your momma talked about?

    What this means is that it is not always neccessary and certainly not clever to walk around with all your talent hanging out. Now, present an decent argument for an uncensored Board and I will be happy to debate it with you, but do not try to slap my face with a glove that does not fit your hand.


    PS. And if you can manage this debate without trying to demean the opinion of my hematologist friend, a women who I can assure you has postively served the human race in a ways you have yet to imagine, I would appreciate it very much.

    Edited by - hillary_step on 16 September 2002 21:52:50

  • Satanus

    The simple truth is that you fear what your heamatologist ( yah ok, it's spelled wrong, but you made a mistake in your post too) friends would think of you, if they came here and read some of the grittier material.

    BTW, i have nothing against civility and good manners.


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