I'm Pi$$ed

by Elsewhere 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    First someone goes and makes a mockery of depression by saying that one can "will" oneself out of it. After reading that and having been in a severe depression in the past... I just about hit the roof.

    Then I get an email from my employer saying that they "forgot" to deduct my insurance premiums from my paycheck for the last few months... they are asking me to send them a check for $426.58!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Edited by - Elsewhere on 16 September 2002 18:18:46

  • Mimilly


    I'm miffed over that thread as well. It's an insult to anyone who's ever had to actually deal with it.



  • DJ

    Poor Elsewhere,

    I always get a chuckle from you. Hard to believe that you are not always so funny. PERSPECTIVE you need some PERSPECTIVE. Tell the boss man that you can only afford to pay it in increments, if you need to.

    Some folks make a mockery about anything they can't understand. Don't let it bug you. You are in control of yourself, nobody else. Come on Elsewhere.......gimme a smile! luv, dj

  • LuckyLucy

    I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I tend to agree with Crystal.

    You must be "choosing" to be pissed...he he...You could look at it positively.You got a little loan on your checks and you did'nt even have to pay intrest. Lighten up!! The choice is yours.

    Getting angry causes high blood pressure not to mention other health problems.

  • teenyuck

    I have to agree Elsewhere....I just read the thread and I don't think Crystal has any answer. Exercise...yeah right.

    Boy Crystal, it must be great to be so good at something....I would let Dr. Phil know...perhaps you can snag a segment on how to treat depression.

    I'll mention that to the neurologist next time. Perhaps if I work out more I can work off the effects of the seizure meds I take.

    I think she is a writer on the side for WTS. Sounds like something they would push. "Don't bother with treatment, go out in service; you will exercise your body and soul!"

  • Mimilly

    LuckyLucy - It is hard enough on people who are clinically depressed without having people like Crystal and now you, saying to just rise above it, just get over it.

    God dammit if we could - we WOULD!

    It's just that simple. Now go do some research on the subject.


  • LuckyLucy

    Now your putting words in my mouth.You need a nap.
  • Mimilly

    LuckyLucy - I had my nap. Can I have my cookies now?

    If you are agreeing with Crystal, then no, I did not put words in your mouth.


  • ISP
    Now your putting words in my mouth.

    Now there is a joke there........don't know if I can say it.....but it involves writing stuff someplace.......


  • Francois

    I have unfortunately been in the grip of anxiety and depression multiple times in my life. Each time, my mother would say to me, "What have you got to be depressed about; just snap out of it. Be happy." I felt like punching her right in the nose. You know what I mean.

    THEN...THEN...then, a number of years ago, she hurt her back bending over to pick up a clothes pin. They couldn't figure out what was wrong with her back. She was bed ridden for months. Depression tip-toed in on its little cat feet and sat on her chest breathing into her face for months and months and months.

    She would sit at the dinner table take one look at her food and burst into tears. Stuff like that. You know the drill.

    It took months for her to recover. Tricyclics, God. After it was all over and she was back to herself, she apologized profusely for what she had said to me when I had been depressed. She said, "I know you must have wanted to punch me in the nose." To which I replied, "you'll never know how close you came."

    People who havent' been there should have nothing to say about it. In fact, Art Buchwald, who has been hospitalized twice for depression told the National Press Club that if any of them found themselves depressed, to make certain that any therapist they went to had also suffered depression as well; that a depressed person should never accept as a therapist anyone who hadn't been depressed themselves and thus knew what they were talking about. I agree. Unless you've been there, you have NO idea - you're just shooting off at the mouth.


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