KIngdom Melodies

by freedom96 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quotes

    And, just in case anyone forgot that we are "Happy People" (TM), here is song 57:

    Song 57


    Happy People

    (Psalm 89:15)

    1. Happy are all those who the joyful shouting know,

    To whom the truth you show, to whom your blessings flow.

    For they will ever walk in the brightness of your face;

    Happiness they find as each serves in his place.


    2. Satan and his legions are pressing all around,

    So let our works abound. Make earth with praise resound.

    Jehovah has provided a refuge for the meek;

    He will all those shield who his righteousness seek.


    3. May we not lose courage, though many turn away,

    Though they the truth gainsay. Well watch and fight and pray,

    For we must stand the test and keep our integrity;

    Since our God is pleased, we can serve faithfully.


    Your loving-kindness, O God, you express

    To all who publicly your name now confess.

    With your Word and spirit, the truth they discern,

    Show faith by works and act on what they learn.

  • Quotes

    And, in case anyone has forgotten that growing numbers = divine bessing, lets all sing Song 53:

    Song 53



    (Isaiah 9:6, 7)

    1. Hail the Theocracy, ever increasing!

    Wondrous expansion is now taking place.

    Praise to Jehovah is sung without ceasing

    By those who walk in the light of his face.

    Long years ago saw the humble beginning

    As our Redeemer a lowly way trod.

    Now a great crowd join the remnant in bringing

    Praises to him at the right hand of God.

    2. Christ on his judgment throne sits and is reigning;

    Nations and peoples before him appear.

    Gods sovreignty he will soon be maintaining,

    Crushing his enemies both far and near.

    Wonderful Counslor and Father Supernal,

    Yes, Mighty God is he and Prince of Peace.

    Zeal of Jehovah will bring peace eternal

    And make his princely rule ever increase.

    3. O what a favor we now have in living!

    Does not this increase bring joy to your heart?

    Share in the joy that gets greater by giving,

    And in the witness work gladly take part.

    Boldly warn those who are Gods name defaming;

    Tell all such men Armageddon is nigh.

    And all the while zealously keep proclaiming

    Kingdom good news to the meek ones who sigh.

    Edited by - Quotes on 12 September 2002 22:54:38

  • minimus

    Those songs make me want to go to The Baptist church down South.

  • unblinded


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Hey! I go to the Baptist church down South! nothing like a rowsing round of Amazing Grace. =)

    Course.. I'm an ole lady with a horn in my ear. <grinz>

    Country Girl

  • caligirl

    Ok..this is the part where caligirl thinks up fitting torture for husband who started this thread.

    But I did get some measure of revenge thanks to Quotes! I made him stand here and listen to me sing for him.( which, now that I think of it, is probably punishment enough because he will have those tunes going through his head as he attempts to go to sleep tonight.heh heh heh)

  • Farkel

    : Just wondering if there were any good funny stories out there with the songs.

    I'm working on a good one. It may even be a classic.

    Trust me.


  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Anyone remember the Song where it says something like "the molested bees which are on Satan's side are surrounding us".


  • Wolfgirl

    Even as a JW, I just knew the songs had been ripped off from somewhere. Blech. I cannot imagine singing them now. My husband would wet himself laughing at me.

  • Navigator

    Actually, I rather like the melodies on the CD. Perhaps it is because my wife is a really fine pianist and played them well. I always thought they had a familiar sound to them and occasionally will hear a familiar thread when I listen to classical music on the Dallas/Ft. Worth Classical Radio station. I never learned the words since I only rarely attended a Kingdom Hall with my full time Pioneer wife, but I remember the fiascos with the tapes and records when I did. I do recall a couple of assemblies when I was stationed in Germany where they had some really fine orchestras.

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