What do you think?

by MARTINLEYSHON 13 Replies latest jw friends


    I would like to hear from anyone who subscribes to my believe in creation as the bible states, however when Jehovah realized that Earthly man was a complete screw up, and that he would eventually turn out this way, he immediatly started all over again 5000 light years away, and the second time around he's got it right.

    Somewhere in the universe there is a perfect race of people created in gods image enjoying what the dubs think is going to happen to them LOL.

    What do you all think?

    Sensible answers please Ozzie.....


  • JosephMalik


    No! That says it all. I have some idea as to what God's future plans are for man but I have no proof. The scriptures are pretty much limitied to the next symbolic 1000 years of mans existence. Beyond that we will have to wait for further revelation.


  • Satanus

    Better go back on your medication.


  • RandomTask

    Yeah sure, coulda happened.

    But then monkeys might fly out of my....

    never mind

    Edited by - RandomTask on 5 September 2002 13:40:39

  • The_Bad_Seed
    Jehovah realized that Earthly man was a complete screw up

    If Jehovah, or God was perfect, he would have created perfect creations would he have not of?

    Wouldn't his perfect foresight have allowed him to bypass the 'screwup' you, and the bible speak of?

    Oh wait, thats right! "With God all things are possible!" I guess what the bible meant there, was that even Gods brand of perfection was prone to imperfection, which tells me that all the God and Bible crap is just that. Crap.

  • Cygnus

    Choose for yourself. Jehovah does not force you into everlasting life.

  • willy_think

    You have made some statements as to the nature of God within your post that I would like to point out if I may.

    when Jehovah realized that Earthly man was a complete screw up, and that he would eventually turn out this way

    "Jehovah" is not an all knowing unchanging God, he is the maker who got it wrong on his first try.
    he immediately started all over again 5000 light years away, and the second time around he's got it right.

    "Jehovah" is in time "immediately", Jehovah is imperfect "the second time he's got it right" ( if he F-ed up so bad the first time why would I think he got it right the second time? Is it practice makes perfect?)

    If he got it right the second time the, why would he make "perfect people" experience the living hell of the eternal subservant grass eating maintenance man that the JWs think will happen to them?

    This God could not have been the God Jesus called father.


    Appreciate your comments, and oh by the way my medication ran out years ago. If you were God what would you have done oh wise one? .... Question to SS or is it beyond your thinking capacity?


  • The_Bad_Seed

    If I were a perfect God, I'd definately make my people suffer because of my lack of foresight fuckups. Thats right! If you want everlasting life, you'll have to subscribe to the notion that this life is a hopeless plight, and derive happiness from the bibles perverted self deprecating views!

    Yep! Thats a sure sign of a loving, and perfect God!


    Okey Bad Seed

    Judging from your comments, you have a lot of child hood anger in you! Have you been to see a therapist?

    If not then please consider it.


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