What percentage of the population are gay?

by fulltimestudent 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • fulltimestudent

    During the long debate on the question of gay marriage, there have been many competing answers to the question of, "How many people are gay?"

    A very anti-gay Christian minister in Sydney, the Reverend Fred Nile, (who is also a Member of the State parliament) claims that the percentage is as low as 1%.

    Some University (U.of New South Wales) research in Sydney has suggested 5%, but the authors of the study cautioned that there was a problem in the fact that an unknown number of respondents would likely not admit to being gay.

    There are other problems in asking the question. For example, what does being gay mean? Are we talking about actions or feelings? Some people with feelings of desire for the same sex, have never acted on their desire, and if they are married, as may well be the case, their only sexual experience may have been with the opposite sex. Should they be counted as gay?

    A traditional figure (in the west) says about 10% of people have romantic or sexual inclinations toward the same sex, but Professor Gary Leupp, (Professor of History, Tufts University) claims that in 17th Century Japan, male to male sexual behaviour was 'normative,' a word which spears upward toward 50% of the population. That may well have been the case, as Francis Xavier, the first Jesuit missionary in East Asia says that he found the 'sin of Sodom,' was everywhere in Japan, and that the Japanese practised this 'sin' without shame.

    It may yet be some time before the Christian inspired feelings of shame and hate die away and allow an honest assessment of the percentage of humans who are attracted (with or without activity) to the same sex.

    But in the meantime, its is with interest that we can note the results of a survey,that concludes with a suggestion that the percentage is twenty percent. The Smithsonian magazine reports:

    What percentage of the population considers themselves gay? This number has always been hard to pin down: sexuality is fluid, and plenty of people still feel pressured to hide their sexual orientation. But a new study has tried, and come up with a number that’s higher than most.
    According to a study from the National Bureau of Economic Research, about 20 percent of the population is attracted to their own gender. That’s nearly double the usual estimates of about 10 percent. The authors explain that their methodology might have something to do with it.
    Reference: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/what-percent-of-the-population-is-gay-more-than-you-think-5012467/

    You can access the abstract of the study at: http://www.nber.org/papers/w19508

    which also paradoxically reports higher percentages of hostility toward gay humans. From my own readings (for a research paper on 17th century Japan and actors in the early kabuki theatre who doubled as prostitutes) I suggest that the above studies finding of higher rates of hostility is tapping into the problem of self-hatred on the part of many same sex attracted people (aka, 'internalised' homophobia).

  • wannaexit
    My department at work is made up of 17 people. Of these 4 are openly gay.
  • scotsman
    A question that's curiously of interest to 95-99% of people.
  • LoveUniHateExams

    what does being gay mean? - it means being exclusively attracted to members of the same sex.

    The belief that only 1% are gay from homophobic Reverend what's-his-face seems way too low; the oft quoted figure of 10% is a nice, conveniently round number that seems a little too high.

    There may be people who hide the real nature of their sexuality. Also, some married people who experience gay feelings might be bisexual.

    One thing that puzzles me: why are bisexual, transgender, curious and questioning people lumped together with homosexual people?

  • done4good


    The Kinsey Reports, (studies of sexual behavior in the 1950s), indicated about 10% of the male population at the time of the tests. I believe recent findings show similar numbers.

    Of course these tests were derided at the time by the religious right. They still are today...go figure.

    In a small engineering group in a previous company I worked for, out of ~20 engineers 3 were openly gay, so although only working with a small sample size, the findings seem to corroborate.


  • FayeDunaway
    It seems important to specify 'gay' as meaning those EXCLUSIVELY attracted to the other sex. I believe the 5 to 10 percent is probably accurate. But people who may be bisexual or slightly lean bisexual are much much more plentiful, especially women who are attracted primarily to men but also to their own sex.
  • sparrowdown

    As it becomes more socially acceptable that percentage will likely increase.

    I watched a documentary recently about openly gay men that are married to hetro women it was very interesting and touching to see these open accepting couples.

  • Finkelstein

    Hey, now that gay people are being more accepted in society , perhaps Anthony Morris will come out of the closet ?

    Come on Tight Pants Tony you know you want to .

  • PaintedToeNail

    sparrow-Just a question, with no malice or sarcasm intended, would you find it very interesting and touching if a hetro married couple had one member having sex with a member of the opposite sex or would you call it adultery? I saw the same documentary and wondered if the women would've stayed if the person their husband was attracted to was another woman.

    fulltime-This is an interesting topic, I just searched for the same info yesterday. It must be on a lot of minds right now.

  • OrphanCrow

    This is a video from 2012. A Ted Talk called "Fifty Shades of Gay".

    The speaker in this video addresses the variance within our population when it comes to defining sexuality.


    Artist iO Tillett Wright has photographed 2,000 people who consider themselves somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum and asked many of them: Can you assign a percentage to how gay or straight you are? Most people, it turns out, consider themselves to exist in the gray areas of sexuality, not 100% gay or straight. Which presents a real problem when it comes to discrimination: Where do you draw the line? (Filmed at TEDxWomen.)

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