Geoffrey Jackson compares waiting for Armageddon to waiting for Brazil to score a goal against Argentina!

by GodZoo 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    O M G he's stuck on fucking loonie, no wonder with AM3 and Rubber Lips/face/mouth Lett buzzing around him talking about burnt hot dogs, xenophobia about strangers, and how Jehovah finds tight pants disgusting. That has got to turn your brain to mush and I think Geoffrey brain is no longer spitting out any good data due to his constant bad association with these two ass holes on his team.
  • iwasblind

    I wonder if that Brazilian soccer player would stop before the goal and start a massive building project instead of "kicking the ball".

    I wonder if they even open the Bible these days

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    The guy is a supper phony who is playing these people like he's talking to a bunch sleep walking dumb Dagos. How insulting!

    Only in his imagination are they as stupid as him, because God these people can't be that stupid to have their doubts quelled about the end/armageddon never coming when the WT says it will with this lame ass illustration, some one go kick this guy in the nuts he looks that stupid,, what a worthless piece of shit he is, I can't say anything good about him, he is that repulsive to me and I'm sure to many in his audience as well.

  • flipper
    Hilarious. I would go one step further comparing " waiting for Armageddon " to when in the hell will the Chicago Cubs ever win a World Series in baseball again ? Just ain't gonna happen
  • punkofnice
    Vidiot16 hours agoI have to say, the more I hear these guys talk, the easier it is to believe that someone else muchsmarter is pulling the strings.

    I have to agree with you Vid. How could sich dimwits as the current GB run things properly. They make corporate business look like a chimp's tea party.

    I am glad that the GB are so self obsessed thatt hey're out there parading themselves because with a bit of luck, it'll wake many up to what a sham the WBT$ really is. Cruel business not religion.

  • smiddy

    Interesting , that Geoffrey Jackson uses a high profile competitive sport to make his point.

    The rank and file ,the members of a congregation ,male and female young and old are from time to time ,reminded from the scriptures via the Watchtower , that competitive -ness is a no -no for Christians , no matter where they are from on the planet., whether it be Europe ,Asia ,Americas ,or the Islands of the sea.

    It`s strange how silent they are when high profile sportsmen ,from all different codes , identify themselves as Jehovah`s Witnesses , from around the world , as well as men and women from TV , Movies , and Literature are held up as role models , and they are not publicly reproved , counselled or disfellow-shipped like the average Jehovah`s Witness who cops this from local Elders wherever they live on the earth.

    Apparently if you are earning a huge amount of money , you can be forgiven your indiscretion , I wonder why that is , whereas if you are a nobody you will feel the judicial Committee `s decision to disfellow-ship you .

    And be shunned by family and friends until you tow the line according to the Elders direction .


  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Governing Body = Distillation of of pure stupidity in its concentrated bodily form

    Am3, Rubber Band Man/Lett, and Chubby Soccer Nerd/Geoffrey Jackson = Three Stooges or Three Amigos

  • DJS
    I don't know, Bro Jackson might be on to something. Armageddon and soccer are exactly alike; no matter what configuration of teams and players, the score at the end of both of them is going to be 1 - 0.
  • DesirousOfChange


    Rubber Lips Lett.

    Try saying that real fast three times.


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