Slow motion pioneers

by 1Averagejoe 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ttdtt

    Most of our pioneers are old, don't get their time, and the young ones don't get their time.

    NO ONE is pressured to stop anymore - unlike me when I had to get 90hrs in and was struggling to try to do that and make a few bucks to keep off the streets.

    I bet the hr requirement will drop again - as will the Aux hrs - since they are hemorrhaging Aux Pios now.

  • Darkknight757
  • ToesUp
    We have several full time pioneers in our family. Trust me...if pioneering was hard work, this bunch would be the last to sign up. The laziest bunch you have EVER seen! Would not know hard work if it came up and bit them. I guess it beats the hell out of working for those "evil worldly people" that actually pay you for a days work. lol
  • dozy

    We called it the "pioneer plod" where I lived. A few of the pioneers took their time seriously but most knew how to pad their time report and play the game.

    I remember one Saturday morning we were out on the ministry but my 3 year old son wasn't well so I took him back to the car to sleep it off and stayed with him. Coincidentally the car was parked at the top of the street a couple of the congregation pioneers had been assigned. They couldn't see us and it was fascinating to watch as they spent perhaps an hour basically chatting to each other , spending ages gossipping at not homes. On one occasion they placed a set of magazines and this involved a long walk to the end of the street and a ten minute note / chat session. They would amble incredibly slowly to the next door , mull over whether to knock or not. It just seemed to be something of a joke. They took an hour to do possibly 10-15 doors , perhaps only knocking on half of them , most of the ones they knocked on were not homes.

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