We called it the "pioneer plod" where I lived. A few of the pioneers took their time seriously but most knew how to pad their time report and play the game.
I remember one Saturday morning we were out on the ministry but my 3 year old son wasn't well so I took him back to the car to sleep it off and stayed with him. Coincidentally the car was parked at the top of the street a couple of the congregation pioneers had been assigned. They couldn't see us and it was fascinating to watch as they spent perhaps an hour basically chatting to each other , spending ages gossipping at not homes. On one occasion they placed a set of magazines and this involved a long walk to the end of the street and a ten minute note / chat session. They would amble incredibly slowly to the next door , mull over whether to knock or not. It just seemed to be something of a joke. They took an hour to do possibly 10-15 doors , perhaps only knocking on half of them , most of the ones they knocked on were not homes.