Anthony Morris III life story

by campaign of hate 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate

    AM3rd life story is in may 15th 2015 study WT.

    After reading, he sounds very mental unstable. I know you guys will be saying "yeah, obviously he is"...but we don't have any concrete evidence saying he has a mental condition.

    Has anyone ever dug a little deeper, perhaps try to find some people who would have known him from the army? I mean, he probably doesn't know that many people, he was only serving for a year for Christs sake. But, it could shed some light on his personal life, his sexual orientation for instance.

    The part where he says in the article that his sons are in the truth, and they make me and my wife look good? Seriously?? WTF? That's a f**ked up quote right there.

    Also, from baptism (1971) to GB appointment (2005) it took him 34 years to rise to the top. That is an alarmingly short period of time for a convert who was 21 at his baptism.

    He must have licked some serious ass to rise that quick.

    I want that mans name and reputation dragged through the mud. Harsh? yes. Justified? Defiantly.

  • sir82

    I liked the part where he says he was "less than tactful" when talking to his (literal) brothers about the "truth". He then says he's a lot better now.

    Crikey, can you imagine how he must have come across to them if he thinks he is "more tactful" now?

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    why on earth would his life story be in the watchtower ? is this hero worship a new feature in the cult now ?
  • punkofnice

    He comes over as a very egotistical bully.

    I don't know much about him other than he has the kind of face only a fist would love.

  • Splash
    coh The part where he says in the article that his sons are in the truth, and they make me and my wife look good?

    What does that imply about Jehovah then, who lost many of his angelic 'sons'.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble
    Interesting is if you listen to the audio of the life story of Anthony Morris the third, it is read by Anthony Morris III himself. Same goes for other GB life stories. Most dubs are very positive about this.
  • Vidiot

    stan livedeath - " this hero worship a new feature in the cult now?"

    It's always sort of subtly been there, actually (Russel, Rutherford, Fred Franz)...

    ...but it's only with the current batch of JWTV webchannel televangelists that it's really been dialed up.


    I'm more interested in the life story of Pauly Shore than TOMO III.


  • blondie

    There are fewer GB members and many more jws on earth today. When I was younger, early teens, there were only 1 million jws in the world. The conventions were fewer and bigger so people had a better chance of hearing a GB member give a talk, see them in person, and even suck up and shake their hand.

    Now with so many jws, most have never seen an anointed jw let alone a GB member. I think it is good to hear them is revealing, all their idiosyncrasies. I saw a lot working back in admin at the conventions. Not so holy and spirit guided.

    WTS used to wait until they died to reveal some backgrounds.

    My last GB was John Barr. What a prick...he ran off the stage and hid back in admin, not wanting to talk to any jws.

  • shadow

    Maybe Barr didn't like the adulation and left to avoid it?

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