On the Relevancy of The Institutionalization of Sin

by Perry 131 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DJS


    Thanks again. I do not understand why people care about others' sexual preferences. Most top flight researchers suggest that our sexuality is a moveable scale anyway, depending on lots of factors. When a non-theist makes statements about genetic links, it bothers me because it seems an attempt to justify being gay, which establishes a 'moral' link between the two. Being gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender or all of the above, for a while or forever, does not need ANY justification from ANYONE.

    It's no one's business, especially Perry's.

  • freemindfade

    DJS I agree, like always say, what you eat don't make me $hit and who you f%@k don't make me c#m. Why should I care?

    I have known and worked with many many gay individuals over the years and I have found them to be some of the nicest, funniest, kind people i've known. They had no effect on my own personal preferences.

    Gay people aren't strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up innocent people to convince people to believe what the believe, that's your religion Perry

  • sir82

    Perry certainly knows how to push the buttons of the posters here!

    It is of course frustrating for fundies such as he to see that they are increasingly irrelevant. Human society and civilization is moving on without them, leaving them to gnash their teeth and wonder "why doesn't God do something about this?"

    JWs are in much the same situation. The world is passing them by.

    A typical JW wakes up each morning and thinks "well, this old system can't go on much longer", not realizing that he has been saying the exact same thing each morning for 20, 30, 40, 50 years.

    Guess what? If you said 50 years ago, "this old system can't go on much longer", and now it's 50 years later, well, "this old system" evidently will go on for another 50, 100, 10,000, years.

  • coalize
    I do not understand why people care about others' sexual preferences

    I'm pretty sure you know ;)

    The main reason is, I think, that when someone accept other way of sexuality, other way of gender feelings and the fact that sexuality and gender are fluid, it tends to stop to consider that his way of living his sexuality and his feelings about gender is a standard or a norm.

    And a lot of people, especially religious, can't accept that fact! They consider their are normal, in conformity. At the image of God (who is not heterosexual for one penny, anyway, but, they are to narrow-minded to understand that)

  • DJS

    Perry (Rumpelstiltskin), for your viewing pleasure:

    July 1, 2015: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has deemed state employees exempt from granting same-sex couples with marriage licenses if it violates their religious beliefs. Conservative lawmakers in Tennessee have started drafting legislation that would protect religious leaders from being forced to preside over same-sex marriages. Utah and Mississippi are considering doing away with state-issued marriage licenses, while county clerks in Kentucky and Alabama have already taken it upon themselves to stop granting licenses altogether.

    While such pushback looks poised to provoke legal action, constitutional law expert Greg Magarian, a professor of law at Washington University, said that most of these state efforts are “the political equivalent of temper tantrums,” attention-getting yet extremely difficult to implement.

    “You can stand in the corner and hold your breath until you’re blue in the face, but people in your state will still be signing up for Obamacare, only now you’ve given the authority over it to the federal government,” Magarian said. From a political perspective, he said, daring the federal government to takeover a long-held state responsibility like marriage would be “a strategically stupid move.”

  • Protarded
    Anytime I hear someone condemn the gays, all I hear is, "boo hoo, I'm angry because I'm not getting laid".
  • punkofnice

    This is one of those deliberately inflmatory threads that will go on for ages.


    God is shown to be a total twot as a result. Good job!

  • coalize
    God is shown to be a total twot as a result. Good job!

    Yep, God is shown how it is really : the product of the imagination of mad people!

  • StrongHaiku

    Perry - When I left the Watchtower I trusted no one, most of all God. I placed my trust fully in myself for many years. It solved some issues, but on balance it created more problems than it solved.

    I can understand that. When you are used to being told what to do instead of thinking for yourself and you go out in the world one can be get lost (maybe even self-destructive). That happened to me. But I got better at thinking for myself and correcting my mistakes. And, over time, I got better and got better at "getting better" and gained more confidence at making my own decisions. Is it possible you gave up on yourself too soon?

    Perry - I came to realize that it was not within my constitution to be the final arbiter of right and wrong. I just couldn't see far enough down the road and I couldn't trust the things that I thought I did see.

    Wait, what you are saying seems contradictory. How do you determine if your God/Holy Book is the correct moral arbiter if you don't trust your own judgement? Are you not using your own sense of morality to evaluate God's morality? No? Then, how would you know what Bible-sanctioned practices to follow or not follow? For that matter, how would you know if you are following the right religion/God/Holy Book?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    there is still the horizon of transhumanism with animals - nonsense! Bestiality is illegal in almost all countries, even in the 'decedent' West.

    I am against practicing homosexuality for one reason only, God says no. I am certainly against the institutionalization of it for the same reason, and no other - fair enough, you are entitled to your views. But why do want to start a thread about this?

    The big problem with appealing to scripture, Perry, is that it cannot be established as the word of God.

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