The Meeting Clothes I Left Behind

by dobby 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    And just in case any Witness is planning to go "business casual," one of the recent mags made the statement that business attire was not always the proper thing to wear to a Kingdom Hall! How things have changed! Rules, rules, rules. It IS nice not to have to worry about meeting vs. work clothes anymore! Though I was never the granny dress type and showed my knees at the Hall on multiple occasions, to the chagrin of the elders. Such a rebel I was! And no pantyhose in the summertime either - tsk, tsk.

  • ozziepost

    Freedom means not having to wear a tie.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Freedom means not having to wear a tie.

    Especially during a hot Texas summer. Ooop Ack!

  • Quotes

    dobby, I really enjoyed reading your post.

    BTW, let me be the first to say (4 months early) SEASONS GREETINGS!!!!

    [commence Dr. evil laughter now]

  • CFree

    My wardrobe was very heavily influenced by my mother (she was always buying me items and I would feel I had to wear them to please her). They were very long skirts, nothing that showed too much flesh and florals. When I left I got rid of SOOO many clothes, like someone else said I think back and can't believe I wore those things. I think it also association, any clothes I did keep I soon got rid of because I associated them with the past and I wanted to move on and start afresh.

    My wardrobe now is very different and I can wear trousers to work any day of the week!!! I used to hate wanting to wear trousers to work on a Tuesday or Thursday but not being able to as I always went to dinner with my parents straight from work and then off to the meeting. Can you imagine the reaction walking into the KH with trousers on as a female. Shock, horror!!!

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