The "Friends"

by El Kabong 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pathofthorns

    "the friends" and "the brethren" always cracks me up. Like expat said, straight out of the 1800's. I can't wait until they get a secret handshake going


  • asher

    I was a JW in the early 1940s, sixty yrs ago, and it was a common practice way back then, to refer to other witnesses as 'friends'. I don't know where it started but this is true.


  • Pistoff

    maybe the reason we use "friends" is the same reason they say they abhor child abuse, and have always had a strong policy against it, and now they say they have special counseling for it:

    If they say it often enough, they hope we will believe it.

    This organization IS the big brother of 1984; all of the writing is the rewrite man, and doublespeak is the language of the WT.

  • minimus

    "the friends" was started by Brother Maxwell Friend, who played Abraham or Jehovah's voice in the dramas....btw...."the friends" is one of the most uncomfortable expressions used by the "faithful".

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Thanks to all who shared their insight on this. I had forgotten even that they call each other "the friends" until It got brought up in a conversation I was having with a witness the other day.

    However, I think the comment that we all stumbled out of the truth and this is basic JW stuff is pure BULL!!!!. I'm sorry we're not all as smart as you, comfy. geezzz!!!!!

    Edited by - El Kabong on 16 August 2002 12:14:54

  • MikeMusto

    The friends term is all the Bethelites used while i was at bethel. 94-9+

    This servad as another way to differenciate (is that a word?) between the Bethelites

    and the common folk. It looks like it has spread, it is actually another way to

    demean the commonfolk in the congergation

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