Keep following our stupid rules - God requires it

by dmouse 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • sunshineToo

    Maybe finally they are going to disclose all the pedophile data.
    Or the blood issue.

    I think both 1975 thing and "the generation" have gone and passed. This must be something new and different. I think it is something to do with the pedophiles and the silent lambs.

  • dmouse

    Big Tex, check out my comments here on the Beroean example:

    Schedule for the articles:

    Jehovah Blesses And Protects Those Who Are Obedient - November 11-17

    Cultivate Obedience as the End Draws Near - November 18-24

  • blondie
    If they start passing out Kool-Aid, don't drink it.

    Unfortunately, in the real "Jim Jones" event, by the time the kool-aid was handed it out, not drinking it and leaving was not a choice. Men with machine guns trained on you made sure you drank. If not, you were shot. Those who tried to leave were shot. In fact more people died from gunshot wounds than from drinking the kool-aid. Those who had been visiting, the senator and his group, were shot while trying to leave.

    The only ones who survived were the ones that did not go to Guyana with the Jones group even though it meant leaving family members.

    So I say, when they say figuratively we all have to sell all our belongings and move to "Guyana" it is time to leave.

  • Bang

    One son said to another son, "Hey, let's go and do anything that the slave wants".

    The other son said, " What? Were you born funny? Why would you subject yourself to a slave?"

    And the other said, " The slave told me to, that he's in charge of me "

    The brother said, " Get a grip, the slave justs wants to be somebody they're not, and you'll still be who you are long after the slave leaves "

    The other said, "Let's do it for fun then"

    And his bother said, "You must have too much time on your hands to be doin' that sort of shit"

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    Xander Said:

    "All I want to know is....what the HELL are they prepping the 'sheep' for with THIS one?!?!"

    My guess, soon the WT is gonna be up to their armpits in legal lawsuits over the silent lambs stuff... They may not be able to 'hide' everything... I.E. Yeah, there are numerous poeple who where on the 'list' who had more than two witnesses to them (at seperate times), or people on the list were still left as Elders, MS, etc...

    The law is gonna chew them up and spit them out for inconsistencies like that.. Forget that their 'policy' is rubbish, they aren't even following their own policy.. And they certainly cannot dispose of the 'list' that they already have publicly admitted exists, so it's gonna be a field day.. And stuff is gonna come out and be exposed that the R&F are gonna have to swallow, because it is gonna defy any 'human reasoning' !!!

    Just my thoughts!!!

    Regardless, for them to put this article in print is absolutely AMAZING.. Does anyone have a scan of it?

    Scully: It looks like you got the 02/04/01 article from the CD.. Is the 2001 CD out yet? I want to see if I can get one...

    Edited by - itsjustlittleoldme on 16 August 2002 11:2:4

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