The Weed AMONG the wheat ..NOT.."the weed overgrowed the wheat" Misunderstood parabel about anointed and about Gods patience

by TheWonderofYou 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TheWonderofYou

    Wheat Oversown and then overgrown?
    This is from the parable of Weed among the Wheat, Matthew 13,24-30 and explained by Jesus in 13,36-43"

    Matthew 13,25 "But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away. What does your Bible say?

    From the the the NWT becomes ... oversowed ........ not so in other languages of NWT though. Why is this important for the simple bible an WT reader?

    The problem is that someone could easily interprete the word "over" as "overpowering" the wheat, from the simple new word "oversowed " the step to "overgrown" in the mind and in the WTstudy artices is short. Although Matthew 13,26, reads only "But when the wheat sprouted and bore grain, then the tares became evident also."

    It is a short jump in the mind from oversown to overgrown.

    Watchtower study from WT 5/7/13 about important doctrine is touched because it contradicts the "overgrown"-thesis.

    I am with you all the days (Jesus protects the anointed, His congregation / church of anointed would remain.)

    How in the 4th century a "overgrowing" happendd, how "weedlike Christians had greatly outnumbered anointed Christians" was not explained in detail." but only specualted about "However, since they were overgrown by weedlike Christians, we do not know for certain who belonged to the wheat class during that long period of time."

    Some basic christian principles speak against this thesis that has surely protestant or adventist origin

    The other dogmas are connected with this fake teaching and should be "overthought" too.

    Many Through the Hands of a Few“Who

    Really Is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?”

  • TheWonderofYou
    From a speculation about an illustration they make the most important dogma about the anointed christians saying that from 4 century onwards there was no associated corpoated group of anointed who could feed the other anointed ones, what also means that that there was no congregation / church.of the 144000 anointed at all and no faithful slave too because his main job was to feed.
  • TheWonderofYou
    Bonsai2 days agoI I'd like to point out that wheat is good, but weed is way better! I thank god incessantly for all the wonderful variety of herbs we have at our disposal!

    Hi, the illustration was no eternal judgement about the weed. thanks.

    The weed is the zizanium (a kind of darnell resembling wheat or bastard weed) it looks like wheat . But lets ask a farmers.

  • TheWonderofYou

    As far as I understand, the weed, the darell, is poisonous, but not overgrowing the good wheat, a comment said that it can even have the same root as the wheat, grow togehter, should be checked.

    Jesus comforted the anointed with this parable. He presented the situation of the church as it is,
    but the congregation of anointed would never die out.

    - If the congregation would die out, jesus would have been a bad farmer.

    - The wheat must remain until the harvest, because if no wheat remains, there will be no harvest at all. ;-)

    But again we use an illustration like as prophesy, time schedule of the church history, what is not correct at all.
    "The bad became evident too., dont be fearful." Jesus protects you, ThewonderofYou.

  • TheWonderofYou
    flipper2 days ago
    I wish there WAS " weed " available among the wheat when we used to attend meetings. Would have made meetings much more tolerable. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    Yes, the illustration shows simple that we should not think of a congregation full of perfect people, a holy church, with holy people, perfect anointed ones. The "holliness" is not a product of the holy church or the holy anointed, it is a Mercy from God. The "Sanctification'" is a gift of god, it is his love.

    So Jesus simple told about the question "Why can a loving and just god tolerate this misuses of power, this failure of behaviour of the popes or misunderstandings of governing bodies, Why can he allow this poison in the congreation" in an illustration.

    But Jesus wanted a congregation, he founded a church and he protected it.

    Why after all these complications with imperfect men he founded a church?

  • TheWonderofYou

    My 7 arguments against the "Weedlike christian" allegoric misuse

    1. John 21,15-17: Jesus asked Peter to have the office of oversight, "Take care of my sheep, feed my lambs"
    2. Matthew 16,13-20: The congregation will not be overpowered by the Hades, also not by the weed, church is founded on a massive rock not an unsecure sand.
    3. Matthew: 13,30 Jesus described himself as farmer, he would be an awkward farmer if he would not protect the wheat before decay overgrowing, over-poisoning, if weed is evident too is not outside the congreation but in the midst of the congregation. There is a positive undertone, our time is a time of healing, of growth, a time to let the faith grow. The evil is in the whole world, but hope remains.
    4. Matthew 26,26 The new covenant was not founded at Lord supper as powerless covenant to be overpowered through apostosy. As the anointed are one body with Jesus, Jesus Christ himself would be overpowered, because the partakers are partaking in his body.
    5. Matthew 28,16 Holy Spirit protects congregation as comforter and advocate in difficult times.
    6. Matthew 12,15-21 On the side of " gods chosen servant" , the anointed are blessing for all nations. Total apostosy after the apostels death would be no bleassing for the mankind though. God kingdom a kingdom of missuccess?
    7. Further the church, as ecclesia, assembly, company, a people of god are described as spiritual body of christ, temple of god. How could he allow an apostasy over hundreds of years?

    In this new convenant it is like God fell in love with you and doesnt abondon you anymore, his beloved anointed, he fell in love in the "Wonderofyou".
    Happy sunny Sunday

  • MessianicChristian

    The parable of the "Faithful servant" is a prophecy concerning Jesus appointing / commissioning the disciples that he personally taught. Jesus appointed these disciples during his 40 days of teaching them between his resurrection and ascension. This commission applies to all disciples until Jesus arrives at the end of this age. The parable does not concern 2 servants, only 1.

    The reward or punishment takes place after his master,Jesus arrives / returns. The faithful is appointed over all of the masters belonging. What belongs to the master Jesus is his kingdom - his rulership over all of the earth. That is the faithful servant is appointed to rule over humanity - those who are not disciples - who survive the great tribulation.

    All who put faith in Jesus, the man that God made Lord and Christ / Messiah [ see Acts 2:36 ] , before his return to establish his Kingdom; and in the Good News / Gospel of the Kingdom of God / Heaven that Jesus and his apostles preached [ see Acts 28:31 ] and are baptized in the name of Jesus

    are anointed and are baptized with the spirit, are born again - born from above - born of the spirit, are in the New Covenant, are in union with Christ, are of the body of Christ, are adopted as 'sons of God'.

    All who put faith in Jesus and in the Good News / Gospel of the Kingdom have the opportunity to rule with Jesus in his Kingdom during the 1000 years.

    There is no mention anywhere in scripture of a 'Faithful servant class'. There is no mention anywhere in scripture of a governing body. There is no mention anywhere in scripture of God's organization / Jehovah's organization. The word 'organization' is not in the scriptures. There is no mention anywhere in scripture of an anoint remnant. There is no such thing as an anointed remnant of Christians.

    All faithful disciples of Jesus will be saved,not just a remnant.

    The remnant to be saved in the end time [ at the end of this age ] is a remnant of the 'sons of Israel'; the Jews who accept the Messiah as a result the witnessing of the 2 witness at Jerusalem during the 3 and 1/2 years of the great tribulation.

  • MessianicChristian

    The parable of the weeds among the wheat is a prophetic parable since it concerns what will happen to the disciples from the ministry of Jesus until the harvest at the end of the age.

    Most of Jesus' parables of the Kingdom are prophetic parables applicable to all disciples not to a supposed special class of disciples.

    The fact that the parable is intentionally misinterpreted to promote the fiction of a faithful servant class, the fiction of a governing body appointed by Jesus and the fiction of a none-existent God's organization / Jehovah's organization, does not nullify the parable.

    The only disciples single out as a special group are " the twelve apostles ".

    Jesus established an ecclesia, an institutional church, at Jerusalem on Pentecost when he baptized the 120 disciples including the twelve apostles with the Holy Spirit. The Twelve apostles, the apostle Paul, Jesus' brothers James and Jude and others kept the ecclesia safe from false teachers up until the Jewish revolt against the Romans in 66 AD.

    The church that appears in the second century is a Middle Platonic church calling itself "apostolic, catholic, and orthodox. This Middle Platonic church has rejected the Jewish disciples and anathematized [cursed] them as heretics [including Jesus' relatives who were still active in the Jewish ecclesia / church].

    To separate themselves from the Jewish disciples and the Jews in general this Middle Platonic church removed the name of God from all copies of the LXX that they made , they also reject the Jewish Messiah, Jesus and constructed a Christology worshiping a Gnostic - Platonic - Stoic demiurge as a logos entity supposedly incarnate in Jesus, and imported other pantheistic - polytheistic doctrines into their faith.

    The apologists, church fathers, hermits, monks, theologians of this church are in no sense faith disciples of Jesus nor are they in any sense worshiping the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and truth.

    The abuses, atrocities, burning of persons alive, enslavement, genocides, idolatries, immoralities, inquisitions, murders, oppression, pogroms, racism, terrorisms tortures and war perpetrated in the name of Jesus Christ by the Churches calling themselves apostolic, catholic and / or orthodox proves that the institutional churches, both Catholic and Protestant, and others, have functioned as agents of Satan from the second century until the 21st century.

    The Watchtower Organization for all of its' abuses is less than a flea on the back of an elephant when compared to crimes against God, crimes against Christ, and crimes against humanity committed by the churches of Christendom over the past 19 centuries.

    It is within this context that the wheat and the weeds grow together until the harvest in fulfillment of Jesus' prophetic parable.

    The separation is at the Harvest, the harvest is the end of the age. This is when Jesus arrives, returns, descends to grant immortality to his faithful disciples and judge those who do evil in his name will professing to be his disciples as well as those who oppose his right to rule over the earth.

    There is no one true church as an identifiable institutional entity between the death of the apostles and the return of Jesus to rule the earth.

  • MessianicChristian

    What bothers me about them is their exclusivism, interdictions to visit other churches / christian meetings, and other unbiblical interdictions. (And the fact that if you suddenly start partaking they think you are crazy).

    I left the Watchtower Organization 31 years ago after being active from 1971 to 1984. Even though I endured abusive treatment by some elders in 2 congregations I left without anger, hostility or rage [ with much hurt ] against the institution or the individuals in it. I also left in good standing. So I am not a Watchtower or Witness hater.

    I reject the description of the Watchtower Organization as brainwashing minding controlling cult and I reject the lies that there is more mental illness and other disfunctional behaviors among Witnesses than among the general population. All such studies are done by persons who have a personal bias religions in general or a specific animosity against Witnesses.

    The primary problem is that the Watchtower Organization is an authoritarian institution [since J F Rutherford took over in 1917] and is therefore obsessed with control and with loyalty of members to the organization. This is common to all authoritarian institutions, however it is especially a problem for Christian religious institution and their hierarchies because Christian teachers are supposed to be under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If Christian teachers are lacking in humility they find it especially difficult and troubling to admit fundamental doctrinal errors.

    If the Watchtower Organizations Governing Body decided to come clean and acknowledge all of its' abuses and doctrinal errors from 1917 until the present and did this with humility and with a repentant attitude most Witnesses would remain in the organization and many who have left would return. Being human and proud, that is lacking in humility, the Governing Body is currently engaged in another effort to adjust and manage their false teachings and abusive practices.

    All of the Watchtower's fundamental doctrinal errors are plagiarized from the Anglicans, Adventists, Catholics, Evangelicals and Lutherans and should be easy to repudiate. Of course admitting this would be admitting that they were not being directed by Jehovah.

    I've been thinking lately: should I stay in the org and just believe what I believe?

    As for as leaving is concerned I would say leave if and when you have someplace better to go.

    If you are a person of faith in Jehovah, Jesus and in the scriptures beware of those who urge you to leave because of their anger, rage, hostility or hurt. They have no problem making you collateral in their personal vendetta.

  • Vidiot

    "Weed amongst wheat"... wouldn't that be just a double-yield crop?

    Pretty sure this guy wouldn't mind...

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