by silentlambs 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fredhall


    If you like mens boobs, then check out fat bastard boobs.

  • Crazy151drinker

    There looking a little saggy, Fred you need a boob lift....

  • Kismet

    Don't let Fred the troll-cat sidetrack this important thread!!

    Ignore him.

  • Nowfree


    Does the management of the Ramada hotel have written confirmation of the booking, can they confirm that it was Jehovah's Witness elders who booked the room?

    If so it might be worth passing to the Governing Body to complain about their behaviour? Or better still get the Ramada Hotel to complain.

    Causing more problems within the organisation will help i think - divide and conquer and all that!


  • Mary

    Just when you think you've heard it all, the JWs manage to stun me once again.............

    First of all, why the hell would they be meeting at a motel??? I've NEVER heard of them doing that before.....what possible reason would they have for doing this? That's really bizarre to say the least.........and they wanted Barbara Anderson to meet with six men alone in a hotel room? What in god's name is going on here?? Are they planning on raping her or what?

    And what kind of pathetic morons ARE these elders that they would leave a hotel room without paying for it? I guess they thought it was a brother that owned it and they didn't have to.

    As for Bill Bowan being physically threatened, I have to say, that one shocked me too as I didn't think they ever resorted to physical violence.......this is getting really, really scary and I certainly hope that both Bill and Barbara take 3 or 4 friends with them IF they actually go. I would also recommend that they be wired so that they have proof of what is said at these meetings.

    The Governing Body members right on down to the local elders are really starting to let their disguise slip and their true colours come shining through. If they continue on this path, then I really start to wonder if this IS in fact, the beginning of the end for this religion.

    I've known for some time that the GB did not have "Jehovah's Spirit" on them, but I truly did not fully realize just how low they could sink, but apparently there's no end in sight.

    Bill and Barbara: I'm sure you've already done this, by I'd be very interested to hear what your lawyers are recommending for this scenario. And maybe the New York Times would be interested in this as well......

  • roybatty


    I'm not certain why they chose to meet at a hotel. One thought is their absolute fear of bad PR. I guess they think it's better to see a newspaer picture of six men walking out of a hotel together as opposed to walking out of a church. Makes you wonder how clear their thinking is.


  • hippikon

    The Motel thing looks to me like they are trying to distance themselves from the "Organization". Who actualy owns the Kingdom Halls? If legal action is taken against the elders involved the "Organization" can wipe its hands of the matter! At this meeting it may pay to clarify who's instructions the elders are working under and who they are representing / acting in behalf of. If they say "GOD's" it becomes a spiritual debate rather ran a leagal and should take place in a KH.

    My 2 cents

  • ballistic

    Maybe this way, you would not be able to wire the room, or be able to use short range transmitters.

  • hillary_step

    The WTS would be very senistive of the way the local residents would view the invasion of their area by reporters and cameras. It would bring bad publicity to the local KH and JW's and make future 'preaching' very hard in the community. Having an 'off-site' meeting would minimize the attention drawn to the WTS. It is not unusual to find press camped outside hotels, but almost unheard of in front of KH's.

    Of course another much less sinister reason could be that the six elders finally won the contract to wash the hotels windows and thought that they might kill two birds with one stone.


  • JeffT

    In most states renting a motel room and not paying for it is defrauding an innkeeper, and (I think) a felony. I hope somebody gets in major trouble over this. It certainly speaks to the level of integrity they are bringing to this matter.

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