Apostates don't burn they just stay dead.

by Bleep 97 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Crazy151drinker

    If there is no such article then why does the WT allow some witnesses to serve in the Military??

  • larc

    Bleep, the differences between the Mexico and Malowi policy had nothing to do with combatant military service. Want to give this another try? It is obvious to me that you don't know what the policy differences were.

  • hillary_step
    Thought you could figure that out since I posted right after the lyrics, DUH


    Here you go again. Just who is Duh? My handle is Hillary_Step.


  • plmkrzy
    "In context with what Paul says above about eating the leaven of malice and wickedness would not his words mean, that one does not mingle intimately with an immoral person partaking of his mixture of evil thoughts and deeds and mixing it with a Christians sincerity and truth. Not eat with such a one is a echo of the words in verse 8 above, Let us celebrate the feast, not with the leaven of malice and wickedness....."

    So when was the last time Paul ate at Jack In the Box?

  • Bleep

    No, I do not want to give this another "try". I did not make this "policy" that larc is asking me about. Are you watching the Watchtower with this "policy"?

  • Bleep

    Guess no one else wants to know what happens when you die. For the people who don't care >we will have to wait and see.

    They would rather say stuff like this:

    "So when was the last time Paul ate at Jack In the Box?"

    "Here you go again. Just who is Duh?"

    "It is obvious to me that you don't know what the policy differences were. Want to give this another try? Brother Bleep, I hope your next comment will prove me wrong."

    Apostates only burn up time trying to prove the Bible wrong. It is like saying there is no God and no one is trying to save us from sin and death.

  • simwitness
    Guess no one else wants to know what happens when you die

    Well, Bleep, the only way I know of to know for sure is to DIE and find out for oneself.

    Now, as far as I know, there is only ONE recorded person that has successfully died and "lived" to tell about his experience, and he simply said "believe and you shall not die". (and there is enough debate on that subject alone to fill several books).

    Now, Bleep, please tell me from your PERSONAL EXPERIENCE what happens to us when we die? IF you have not experienced this phenomena for yourself, you simply don't have any evidence for what happens afterwards, now do you?

    If, as you and the WT suggest, nothing "bad" happens to those that do not believe (they dont burn for all eternity, they simply cease to exist) why should I worry about getting on the "good side" as it were? Afterall, once I am dead, I certainly wont know anydifference now will I?

    On the other hand, if HELL is a reality, I certainly have more motive to be on the good side, now don't I?

    Now, tell me bleep, Exactly how do I get on the "good" side? Better yet, tell me why I should listen to the ramblings of a 100+ year old "publixhing company" that has routinely lied to it's own followers?

    Have a nice day.

  • Bleep

    Those that follow basic Bible principles and come to an accurate knowledge do know where they are going and the timeframe we are in. This light came from Jehovah and is ever brighter at the time of the end for this system of things. A lot of things to worry about since the Devil in ruling. How do I know that the Devil is ruling someone might ask? He offered Jesus all the Kingdoms of the Earth when he was on Earth. You can't offer what you do not have right? The Bible also says woe to the earth for the Devil is like a roaring lion having a short period of time. If you want those scriptures I would be happy to provide you with some. I am not making it all up like some have claimed. But now I am not cut and pasting or having bad spelling which many claim as well. I make one mistake from relying on a bad source to quote a book and 10 to 15 people run right over me with a truck.

    Is hell a reality? If hellfire is what you think is real then go to my topic on hellfire. Basic Bible knowledge that hardly no one here likes to talk about. You are one of the few with some interest in the Bible. There are scriptures there that can be read with your own Bible.

    You have another chance in life since this is Satans world. Jehovah has a fixed time on when he will take over this choice idea stared out by Satan and Adam. No one knows but Jehovah, not even the angles that are holding back the four corner winds know when.

    You get on the good side by being Jehovah's friend of course. Hating what is bad and proving Satan a liar. Mankind will still love the creator even though we have it tough.

    Thank you for showing some interest. I will have a great day.

  • larc

    Bleep, you are beating a dead horse when you bring up hell fire. The vast majority of us here don't believe in hell fire. Can't you get that through your head? The end is near? Just as it was in 1914, 1918, 1925, and 1975, when four times, prophecy failed. Now, please explain the Mexico - Malowi issue, and the reserection doctrine.

  • JT

    Funny how people think we are being judged now


    for years jw taught that they were separating the SHEEP AND THE GOATS

    WHILE other faiths were saying no we can't judge folks - the JW plowed forward telling it's members by going out in service we are judging folks =

    now after being lead wrong by God's spirit directed org they finally concede that they were teaching something Unscriptual

    is it not funny that Satan religions have a better understanding of scripture than Jah who wrote the bible and directs his jw org

    you see bleep your faith spent years doing what others were telling you was wrong

    how sad that satan got it right before god did

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