Bethelites - did they read the Bible in a year?

by jack2 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Back in the Dark Ages (the mid-sixties) we had a six-month Primary School and were required to read the entire Bible during that six-month period.

  • JT

    yep read the whole bible in about 11months

    the question was asked about who would know, etc

    this best way to describe it in my exp is the reading of the bible by bethelites is much like so many other things in a JW life PEER PRESSURE-

    SINCE EVERYONE KNOWS that YOU ARE SUPPOSE to read the entire bible folks in your local congo are always asking and then your friends and folks at your table are always asking so 2 factors come into play

    1. peer pressure - sorta like a lot of young folks who got baptized cause thier friends did, or aux pio or reg pioneered, many of the things that jw do is the direct result of peer pressure to COMFORM knowing that if you don't then it is an indication of your love of god-

    you go to a gathering and it's about 8pm and bro spiritual announces that he and his family are leaving since they have not done thier WT lesson for sunday- here you are with wife and kids and you know as head of house you all have not done your lesson, so despite that you are having a wonderful time- you to annouce WE BETTER BE GETTING ON HOME TO GOT TO DO OUR LESSON AS WELL

    so this is the type of peer pressure that plays a role in many reading the entire bible

    2. You feel that you have recieved an assigment from god's himself since his spokesman has told you to do it and it was such a GOOD FEELING when you read the last vs in rev- you felt that you had accomplished something spiritual

    it is the feeling that one gets when one gets up and goes out in service on sat morning - after service one often times feels "I GAVE JAH HIS FIRST NOW WE CAN GO TO THE MOVIES, ;LAKE, ETC"

    JUST MY 2

  • jack2

    Thank you for the comments!

    It seems that in many cases 'skimming' rather than reading, is all one could hope to accomplish. Some mentioned they had it done in 6!

    The labeling of brothers who did not conform in certain ways as deserving of death at the big A - jeez, how loving!

    ThiChi - interesting proverb!

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    I skimmed it. But I rationalized it because of all of the scripture citations I had been exposed to in 18 years of meeting attendance, I assumed that I had already read it by default.

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