What church? - punkofnice
Its a Book of the church for church service.
Jesus already founded a church, a church to remain.
Not the scrolls and parchment were so important but the church was most important.
You can conclude that the Christian faith should not be a faith of single book readers that are fighting over the right interpretation of there parchment scrolls and papyri, but a faith of merciful people having a communion together, for Jesus wanted a church because he wanted to live in it, as if the church were his second life,
That is the meaning of the church and the Lord supper communion, what he lived through, his death and resurrection, acceptance and prosectution, would his brothers live throught togehter with him later in the church. Therefore the church is the body of christ, closely connected with christ. Therefore they should partake from the symbols. Therefore if you partake in the lords supper you not only remember jesus christ, but you eat him. Your complete body is in unity with jesus christ in one body.Therefore the importance of the symbols bread an wine. Therefore he ensured to Peter that the church would never go to vain.
The center of the faith is the Truth = jesus Christ
Not a bible college, not a Bible discussion, not the moral code, the center is a person jesus christ