If you were put in charge of the Governing Body tomorrow...

by FusionTheism 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DesirousOfChange

    fukitol: Door to door work - announce that it is no longer required or expected of everyone, but only those who voluntarily wish to devote themselves to Jehovah's service in this special way (as is the case with any other congregational privilege).

    Volunteer to go D2D? haha That would put and END to the D2D work.


  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    I would order them to follow me like a bunch of Lemmings while I play the flute like the Pied Piper so that the rest of the rats would join in and then I would march them straight off a cliff.
  • Giordano

    Based on your premise that Jesus would have put me in charge of the GB...........it would be with the stipulation that I was working for Jesus and not the Society.

    Therefore my operating instructions would have to come verbally from Jesus or if that was impossible I would rely on the Gospels as the manual for remaking the Society and JW's so that this religion would finally reflect the teachings of that person.

    Since Jesus didn't waste time on the Old testament laws....... reading the Old Testament would not be necessary. Nor any WT publication. Only scriptures spoken by Jesus would be followed. If Jesus didn't say it we wouldn't either. No blood or Armageddon doctrine.

    Since Paul was a walking contradiction and barely referenced Jesus, essentially contributing only enough references to Jesus to fill up both sides of a single postcard..........Paul's letters would be abandoned as meddlesome and insignificant.

    Revelation....gone as well. If any bible book did not line up with JC's teachings......gone.

    All of the Oral history that sprang up after Jesus left would be abandoned. So too the kept men of the Society. Everybody supports themselves and their families.

    The JW's would be renamed and called Christian Witnesses. Jehovah's inaccurate name would be dropped........ Jesus called him Lord or father that should be good enough.

    Following Jesus's example............. the GB down to the local Elders & MS would wash the feet of their congregations as many times a year as necessary until they understood that they are servants not overseers.

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me
    The Governing Body, all the Helpers, and all the Corporate Officers; would be removed!
  • blondie
    So one of the GB is in charge of the others? Does it work that way any more? The GB is controlled more by Legal than anyone else.
  • millie210

    All the good ideas are already taken! (blood policy, DFing etc)

    So I would do something simple yet radical. I would limit the role of elders to shepherding (visitation to the elderly and shut ins in encouraging ways only) and giving talks from the platform.

    All judicial action would be handled by a centrally located body who were hand picked for their love and gentleness and grasp of the scriptural reasons for discipline.

    Its not a perfect idea but its a start for not losing people right and left because of the inept buffoonery of the small town cop elder mentality. That would be out of their range of authority.

    Of course this would be corrupted just like any group with power gets corrupted but it would stop some of it.

    The really bad part of my idea is this would (might?) have kept what woke me up from happening and then I would still be stuck in! gah!

  • joe134cd
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    I would write an entire book explaining all their false prophesies from the beginning as well as other issues such as child sexual abuse and distribute it to every Witness free of charge. In conclusion I would say that this organization is not worthy of existence and that all should leave it and let it collapse.

    Then I would sell all their properties including Kingdom Halls and give the money back to the Witnesses in general and the victims of child sexual abuse which can be verified from their records as well as relatives of those who have died from lack of a blood transfusion.

    Finally I would dissolve any legal entities that they have created.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    I would do the same as Jesus, clean house....
  • skin
    Every time you make a donation you will be required to fill in the donation slip. On this slip will be your name, date and amount donated. This information will be used to judge your spirituality. Only those donating more than the congregational average will be given privileges.

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