Armaggedon Postponed By Branch Construction

by hillary_step 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    HS, this reminds me of something that was said in the WT about all the building projects despite the supposed nearness of the end.

    *** w86 1/1 26 Building for an Eternal Future ***

    Why are there so many building projects today, despite the nearness of Armageddon?


    There appears to be no end to the modern-day expansion of Jehovahs organization. Even now, the Bethel family at the Brooklyn, New York, headquarters of the Society has grown to the extent of filling all available accommodations. If it should be Jehovahs will, a high-rise building to accommodate a thousand additional Bethel workers may be erected on the Societys property on Columbia Heights. But if this does not eventuate, we will look for Jehovahs further direction in the matter. The prayers and loyal support of the worldwide brotherhood in connection with all this expansion are indeed appreciated.Compare Acts 21:14; 2 Thessalonians 3:1.

    18 But why, someone may ask, are there so many expansion projects when we stand face-to-face with Armageddon?The answer is that Jehovahs organization does not close up shop with the approach of Armageddon. That is closing time only for Satans organization. Jehovahs organization is building for an eternal future. Whether or not man-made structures weather the storm of Armageddon, we know that Gods organization will survive as a going concern and that Jehovah will use it and those who loyally support it, establishing eternal peace and security in the glorious earthly Paradise of Gods promise.Revelation 7:9, 14-17; 21:1, 4, 5.

    And there we have it, organizational logic at its best, haha.

    Edited by - Blondie on 31 July 2002 19:48:33

  • Pathofthorns

    I think Canada branch over-built years ago and a good chunck of building was never really used. It all seems rather strange that with so much vacant space and down-sizing elsewhere they are planning to build there.

    Perhaps they are taking advantage of a local situation while it still is somewhat favourable or maybe they intend to collapse everything unnecessary or expendable back to Patterson. When it comes down to it, do they really need all of the presence they have in all of the countries that they do and could they not get by with a skeleton staff with most work outsourced with direction from Patterson?


  • hillary_step

    Hello Blondie,

    Thank you for your post, it triggered a very shady walk along memory lane for me.

    I was the WT Study conductor for that particular WT and I remember making the comment that we should plan for a future like the WTS does! I further remarked that many had not been sensible and had not planned for a future and found themselves financially destitute and many in poor health. So, I concluded, learn from the WTS, they plan as if this system is going to go on for ever. I drove the point home until even I was

    Well, it just so happened that that week was the CO's visit. Bill was as thick a man as you are ever likely to meet, stupid enough to make a willow weep.I had at one stage the dubious pleasure as a Temp CO of training him. Needless to say he was untrainable, like a cat but with none of the charm. It would have made more sense to pack sawdust than try to reason with him. Anyway after the meeting he snaked his way across to me with his motives hanging out. He got within ten feet of me and then bellowed for the benefit of the on-lookers, "Bro. ***** I would like a word with you". I replied "Sorry Bill, I am too busy". He went on, "But it is very important" he continued. I said, "Well, it is going to have to wait because I am too busy to speak with you". He stood like a hillock, his mouth opening and closing like a great barn door and gasped, "But I am the CO". "Yes, I know", I said, "but I am too busy to speak with you" He never did track me down.

    I once interrupted his wife swigging vigorously from a sherry bottle at a 'Pioneer' lunch which I attended when I slipped into the kitchen for water. She looked startled for a moment but relaxed and without putting down the bottle said, "Well, if you were married to him this is what you would be doing". She got no arguments from me.

    Thanks Blondie - HS

  • messenger

    This is a clear indication Brooklyn is shutting down operations to a skeleton crew. A 172, 000 feet addition? A five story and three story living quarters complex? They are moving in some major man power and it is not going to be new boys. All within three years? Remember the call for 1000 to leave? It makes sense to start trimming down now, especially with a 25% turnover annually the bethel family will drop fast in numbers. They lose 800-1000 per year just in autrition, then you add the requested 1000 more, that means Patterson could operate with a crew of around 1000-1500.

    How much do you want to bet living quarters are being built in or around 25-30 buildings? That could free up 107, 124, Towers, Standish, Bossert, Furman, etc. There have been comments of WT farming out literature to outside entities much like they have done with the food. If that is so, then there will be little need for press operators and huge machinery maintanence as well as over 1,000,000 feet of floor space sitting empty in some of the most expensive real estate in the world.

    My prediction, WT will shut down to a 25-30 Columbis Heights office operation to keep a toe in the worldwide shipping from Brooklyn. Patterson will become the new stream lined showcase site for tours. It is rural with little or no press coverage, thus getting them out of the spotlight. They will move equipment to branches around the world for mini operations that will print via satelite from Brooklyn the monthly publications. Patterson will maintain Adams St. as a back up operation in case of difficulty with vendors for a period of time. Once it gets up and rolling the entire operation will operate with about 1000 bethelites mostly in Patterson with about another 500 in Brooklyn to handle shipping/offices, etc.

    The are shutting down the hatches and preparing to weather the storm, if worse comes to worse they can operate off interest money alone.

  • ozziepost

    Mrs Ozzie's first reaction to this was (with outrage in her voice) "I told you so, they've got to do something with the money!".

    My own thought went to the WTS's recent words about the needs of the Third World etc where a great deal of Kingdom Hall building was necessary. I wonder if this is now on hold? Or perhaps they really just need to drain the coffers.

    BTW loved the trip down memory lane, H.S. Ahh, the memories! How many of that ilk can we remember, eh?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • minimus

    Why not give the benefit of the doubt? Perhaps, the faithful and discreet slave KNOW something we don't. We should stop speculating and rely on Jehovah's organization. Besides, where else would we go???

  • ozziepost

    Mimimus, old son, I hope your comment was of the "nudge-nudge, wink-wink" variety.

    Where else have we to go? Where we go should be in line with who we go away to, shouldn't it? And that's something the Borg can never properly face up to, that is, for someone to become a disciple of Christ, instead of a disciple of "the organisation".

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • minimus

    Oz, old man, you should know that a dancin' m&m loves to wink.

  • ozziepost

    M&M ? They're chocolates aren't they?

  • LDH

    But of course!

    Where else would they move hundreds of geriatric theocrats????

    Hillary, about how many "faithful men of old" are there in Crooklyn needing medical attention?

    You and I both know what an uprising there would be if they sent these old people back to their home congregations to die.


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