The new insert in the Kingdom Ministry........

by kat7302 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    How far will some brothers go? Leaping out of a room quickly if one happens to be eating a bag of crisps, whilst (God forbid) a DF JW sits down with a sandwich in the same room?

    Some dubs are that ridicules. I remember a friend telling me about her dad, he was DF'd and a dub friend of hers came over to visit her. She said her dad answered the door and without her saying a word to him, it was as if he wasn't there, she was looking inside the house to see if her friend was home. I mean this is how far some of these religious cult fanatics take things.



    No big deal.WBTS has been peddling this crap since I was a kid.Every once in a while they dust it off and threaten everyone..WBTS scumbags!! How many more familys will you break up?...OUTLAW

  • Derrick

    Aparrently they are clamping down on it big time.

    That's tragic news considering that they have been clamping down on it big time since the mid- to late-1970's, after many were stumbled from their failed 1975 implied prediction. In their implied prediction of Armageddon taking place in 1975, they based this assumption on their claim that 1975 marked the end of the sixth creative day. They believed that day could very likely coincide with the dawn of the new millennium under Christ. For the millennium to start, of course, we all know that Revelation warns the great tribulation leading to the battle of Armageddon must occur first.

    Anyway, for at least the quarter century I have been baptized, "the Society" has "cracked down" and "clamped down" on the "rank and file" to maintain their unquestioned authority.


    Edited by - Derrick on 31 July 2002 20:25:14

  • abbagail

    Richard wrote:

    Hell, my ex-wife who believes the JW stuff, fell in love and MARRIED a DFed man. I told her how to avoid getting disfellowshipped over it

    Hi Richard: So what are the instructions of how to avoid getting DF'd for which you advised your ex? (that was nice of you, btw); and you said you yourself escaped the DA or DF tag. How did you do this, or is it a big secret? ;-)


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