So-called Bible Scholars........

by hillary_step 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    It is not a difficult thing to do to criticize WTS literature, however I found this comment in a recent WT very enlightening as it seems to explain the unscholarly nature of much of what they produce. It also is an object lesson on how to manipulate a conditioned group of people by the use of 'trigger words'. I have highlighted these expressions, which are deliberately used by Writing, as we have previously discussed to 'encourage' the readers to adopt a patently flawed line of reasoning.

    "During your study, avoid the approach common of so many so-called Bible scholars. They focus excessively on analyzing texts as if the Bible were of human origin. Some of them try to fix a distinct audience for each book or to conjure up an objective and supposed viewpoint that a human author of each book had in mind. The effect of such human reasoning may be that of relegating evolutionary approaches to religion. Other scholars give themselves over to word studies like the philology of Bible literature. They get more involved in studying word origins and citing Hebrew and Greek meanings than with the import of God's message. Do you think that such approaches are likely to impart deep and motivating faith?'. WT 06/15/2002 #16

    Imagine the damage that this simple paragraph has on the thinking of the average JW who would emerge from it looking down from an arrogant height at even the most significant 'wordly' Biblical scholar.

    Best regards - HS

  • Joyzabel

    " looking down from an arrogant height " are you saying the WTBTs are teaching jws to be self-righteous? <gasp!>

    nice post,


  • JanH

    Thanks for pointing this ridiculous statement out, HS.

    Obviously they are proud to be ignorant of all skills necessary to understand ancient texts.

    - Jan

  • DanTheMan

    Do you think that such approaches are likely to impart deep and motivating faith?

    The obvious implication is, is that people who do take such an approach don't have deep faith.

    Once again, the WT shows itself to be the self-appointed judge of all.

    How long will JW's continue to tolerate being treated like they are 8 years old?

  • RunningMan

    Actually, over the years, the Society has taken great pride in their lack of credentials. They consider all educated people to be in opposition to the apostles, who were "unlettered and ordinary". They say that Jesus never went to a seminary.

    Their implication is that being educated and informed is somehow evil and automatically disqualifies you from being correct.

  • joannadandy

    I never really noticed HOW inflamatory their language is until I got older--and started attending college.

    First of all as someone who is going into the teaching profession, and English teaching no less--all I can say is that the writers of the literature of the WTBTS would fail most basic college level courses. Lack of evidence, poor citation, inflamatory rhetoric, flawed reasoning, logical fallacies up the butt, and little or no substance of subject matter (meaning they stretch what could be covered in one simple paragraph into two pages).

    No wonder they hate higher education so much.

    Their implication is that being educated and informed is somehow evil and automatically disqualifies you from being correct.
    It does disqualify you--it's too hard to control the thinking mind. Personally I hope Satan signs my diploma. I hear he is a dean at my college.
  • Pistoff

    What a piece of crap this article is. It seems to say, never mind the context, never mind what the word really means; we will tell you what it means.
    NEVER MIND that they constantly analyze words, contexts and audiences when trying to make a point.
    That is one of the most dangerous paragraphs I have read in a while, and I have read some real junk in the questions from readers: the most recent voting question, and the one on working for churches, both of them real masterpieces of doublespeak.

    they just leave me

  • 4skins

    "Some of them try to fix a distinct audience...", is a machination the WTS employs. Remember the argument about "the kingdom is in your misdst"? The WTS fixed a distinct audience for its conclusion. But is there any difference in the education or mind conditioning of the general society? The WTS is practising what the world practises. To me, it all reeks of orwellianism and totalitarian thought reform.

  • Scorpion

    And how many Bible Scholars has the Society quoted in order to support their claims?

    Do as we say and not as we do!

  • ozziepost
    so-called Bible scholars. They focus excessively on analyzing texts as if the Bible were of human origin. Some of them try to fix a distinct audience for each book or to conjure up an objective and supposed viewpoint that a human author of each book had in mind. The effect of such human reasoning may be that of relegating evolutionary approaches to religion

    Nice point, H.S.

    Over these past few years, Mrs Ozzie and I have built up quite a library of books on Christian doctrine, but more especially many, many Bible commentaries.

    Do we find in their pages, words and thoughts that "humanise" God's Word, destroying faith? No! Quite the opposite has been the case, so that almost daily I read something or hear a thought expressed that causes my eyes to open in wonderment at the simplicity of profound truth.

    Our experience has been the very opposite of what The Watchtower article has warned would happen. Instead, our personal faith in a loving Creator God has been enhanced. For so many years I spent hours in delivering Public Talks, assembly and convention discourses, helping dozens to become Dubs, and yet never did I gain such an appreciation of the Bible as from the very words that the WTS condemns. I wonder why?

    Cheers, Ozzie

    Edited by - ozziepost on 30 July 2002 19:59:41

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