Keeping Witnesses Away

by Dia 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dia

    Jewish people have Mezuzas (sp?) and others in history have used Gargoyles to keep away evil spirits....

    Looks like we could mount a Smurf on our doorposts to keep Jehovah's Witnesses away.

    (All these things had to start somewhere....maybe that's how it started with Mezuzas and Gargoyles, too! Some idiot group of people who had a group-wide irrational religious fear of some ordinary harmless thing. And once it gets's self-perpetuating - it sticks.)

    Besides, it would be fun. Especially explaining it to others.

    "Oh that? That's to scare away Jehovah's Witnesses."

    Edited by - Dia on 30 July 2002 8:18:2

  • minimus

    what about a minature copy of CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE on the door?

  • blondie

    Smurfs are no longer an issue among the majority of JWs because they never were, at least not in the areas I have lived. Ray Franz and his books are viritually unknown among door-to-door going JWs. A big barking dog might help keep most away. The best thing to do if you are serious about this is to call the KH shortly before a scheduled meeting, ask for the service overseer or another elder, say that you do not want anyone to call on you, giving them your name and address. Get the name of the elder you talked to if possible. The followup, send a registered letter to the congregation restating your desire that no JWs call on you.

  • ApostleJon

    Have them to salute to US Flags and say Pledge to Allegience.... That will definitely never bother you again...


  • minimus

    I do recall seeing a sign on a door that said JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES NOT WELCOME.....we just left.

  • Dia

    I still like the idea. I don't completely buy it that Smurfs are 'no longer an issue'. Besides, the fact that they EVER were is enough in many ways.

  • Flip

    Most Jehovah's Witnesses are always welcome at my door.

    Except maybe the head honcho Elder of the local congregation, who looked spooky wearing a black raincoat, checking on this interested prospect.

    He appeared a little to exasperated that I didn't take his perspective of imminent destruction seriously enough and I had the feeling the elder was thinking I was much too upbeat for my own good and less crusty Jehovah's Witnesses visitors.

    I enjoy our little 'chats' and as far as I know, I've never let on that for many years, elsewhere, I used to do exactly as my door to door visitors.

    In the past, my house has been a favorite stop for the rookies because they're assured an encouraging placement and fair bit of interesting questioning if I'm home.

    Although, they've been curiously absent for sometime, I'm a little concerned that the cat is out of bag...time will tell if paranoia has superseded our friendly 'chats'.

    Edited by - Flip on 31 July 2002 4:35:11

  • Robert_V_Frazier

    The best thing to do if you are serious about this is to call the KH shortly before a scheduled meeting, ask for the service overseer or another elder, say that you do not want anyone to call on you, giving them your name and address. Get the name of the elder you talked to if possible. The followup, send a registered letter to the congregation restating your desire that no JWs call on you.

    That's way too much work. Just open a Bible (theirs or yours), turn to Rev. chapter 4, read through to the end of chapter 7, then ask, "According to these four chapters (and don't bother going anwhere else in the Bible; this vision is only recorded here), where is the great crowd/multitude that no one can count?" When the dust settles from the JW's running away, go back to what you were doing. You won't see them again for a long time, if ever.

    Robert Frazier


    Keep the dubs away?I can`t get them in the yard.Not one lousey dub all summer.The BBQ is ready,but theres no dubs to put in it.Ususally I at least have one in the freezer,for when times get tough,but we already BBQ`d that one.Nothing like roast dub and cold beer.Maybe I`ll luck out this week.I may have to go to another neighbourhood and take one of their dubs,maybe two,then I`ll have one for the freezer..LOL...OUTLAW

  • blondie

    Hey Robert, don't be asking those JWs any Bible questions, you'll never get rid of them.

    If you are just having fun here to put a smile on our face with your suggestions, no problem.

    But those JWs that come to the door are not the brightest bulbs. They have to keep coming until an elder tells them not to. So if you are serious about exercising your legal right to privacy, I still recommend this:

    The best thing to do if you are serious about this is to call the KH shortly before a scheduled meeting, ask for the service overseer or another elder, say that you do not want anyone to call on you, giving them your name and address. Get the name of the elder you talked to if possible. The followup, send a registered letter to the congregation restating your desire that no JWs call on you.

    And if some like to get those JWs to a-wondering, go for it.

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