The Book of Babble

by cellomould 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cellomould

    Fact 3: Zebras have a lifespan of about 28 years and reach reproductive maturity when they are only a few years old. Keep this in mind as you browse over the following quote, regarding a zebra population living in California's central coast:

    The dismantling of the zoo began in 1937 after William Randolph Hearst experienced great financial difficulty and was forced to curtail his construction activities and cut other expenses at the ranch. Many animals were donated to public zoos or sold. Dispersal of the zoo animals extended over more than fifteen years and it was never entirely completed. Most of animals had been placed by 1953, two years after Mr. Hearsts death, but many animals were permitted to range free on the ranch. In 1958 when the State was given Hearst Castle, there were Rocky Mountain elk, tahr goats, llamas, white fallow deer, zebras, Barbary sheep, and sambar deer still on the ranch. Today, few of these animals survive, but often zebra may be seen grazing in the pastures along Highway 1 near the town of San Simeon.

    While these zebras have no doubt had several reproductive cycles, or generations, they still live in small numbers near the original location of the Hearst Zoo. There aren't many competing species in the rich grasslands near San Simeon (lots of bird species, but no land mammals nearby, unless you count the elephant seals along the beaches), so we wonder why the populations of zebra and the other animals have not exploded in the last 50 or so years.

    Why not?

    Will there ever be wild zebra populations all over California? Not anytime soon.


  • SixofNine

    That explains it! I was recently in Santa Barbara, and as I walked far up the beach, away from the tourist, I dispersed a group of Elephant Seals feeding on a carcass. As I got closer, the unmistakeable form of a horse became recognizable... but this was no horse, the markings were of a Zebra!

    It took me a while to shake that one. Still, it is California, so after a while it didn't seem to weird anymore.

  • cellomould

    Really SixofNine??!!

    I hadn't read that zebras had been found as far away as Santa Barbara?! Okay, I take back all I said...soon we will have wild zebras roaming the hills of SoCal!

    (Although I suppose the corpse could have washed up on the beach...San Simeon is quite far from Santa Barbara)


  • SixofNine

    Oh geez, I've done it again. Now I feel bad. It was a joke. I guess I should have included a story about watching the seals lure the zebra into the water before attacking it visciously.

    Oh well, brought something interesting btt, and started a new urban legend at the same time, life is good.

  • SYN
    Well, there was a big difference back then with a "generation" :
    Gen 11:11
    Shem lived 500 years and had other sons and daughters.

    Right. OK. How can you prove this? Answer: You can't. To use a well-worn phrase, you've got to "Wait on Jehovah", eh? Thought so

    What evidence are you talking about?

    Has the entire archeological field of science escaped your attention?

    First, someone that's a farmer post catastrophe' would not have a problem. Just start farming again. The rest of your dialogue I can't follow, it's very obscure.

    There is a problem here. How did Noah put enough food to feed a huge number of different species of animals on the Ark, and enough seed to start a big plantation? Tisk, tisk.

    Yeah, I guess that's a real problem for God huh? Well, from my observation, it doesn't take long for vegetation to grow back even after the intense heat of a fire. So being submerged under water surely would have been a better preservative for plant life and seeds.

    This is a good point. Still, makes you feel kinda sorry for Noah, running around looking for seeds buried under meters of silt. Ouch.

    The above is completely wrong. Gen 6:20-21
    21 You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them."

    That's certainly a hell of a lot of food! How big was this Ark again?

    The rest of your dialogue was interesting speculation that I really can't rebutt.

    Because you know he's correct! And it seems to me that you consider everything that isn't transcribed in the Old Testament to be speculation...

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