Why Wasn't British Paedophile DF'ed When Convicted

by ErieGuy 11 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • ErieGuy
  • MacHislopp

    Hello Erie Guy,

    many thanks for the information and the link (...another one for the files).

    You've asked a very logic and pertinent question. Since the elders other

    there have ignored the ...basic facts, the next one to ask will be our

    'beloved ' PR for UK,...the famous Paul Gillies of the Bethel in London.

    Did ever read his written answers concerning the NGO's , theUnited Nations

    and the WBTS Inc. ??

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • searcher

    Why not DF'd?

    Logical if you look at it from the company standpoint.

    Elders take no action when offence is reported to them.

    Abuser is convicted in court.

    Abuser is DF'd.

    Company is admitting they were wrong.

    Aint gonna happen.


  • ItsJustlittleoldme
    The father of one of the victims said: "The church has a policy of disfellowshipping which can be applied to a person who has got a smoking problem and finds it hard to give up.

    Very good point!!!!

    Oh, you are NOT representing the 'clean' image that we wish to portray (Read: You make a bad salesman at the door -- noone wants to smell smoke on you when you call on a house)..

    However, if you just abuse little children, well, that doesn't really make a bad impression, now does it?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    This is an organisation that will disfellowship Bill Bowen and Barbara Anderson. Yet they will keep a convicted sex offender. Well, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, maybe it's a duck!

    By the way, the offender was convicted in 1999 and they are just NOW starting an internal investigation?

  • ErieGuy
  • avengers
    Junior Member
    Posts: 28
    Since: Jul 15, 2002
    Re: OFFICIAL: Bill Bowen Was DF'ed Jul 27, 2002 07:10

    Avengers:________You may think that it is "cute" for You, DedFool, and your cronies (as well as your multiple identities) to go around INTENTIONALLY spreading LIES about the WTS, but all of YOU are nothing but low-life pieces of SHIT who are so IGNORANT that you can't get it through your double-digit IQ brains that NOTHING HELPS THE WTS MORE than for STUPID EXJWs to post LIES, DECEPTIONS, and MISREPRESENTATIONS which the WTS then uses as their basis to lump all info about them as UNTRUE.__________

    As I have stated previously, YOUR LIES are so VALUABLE to the WTS that they would PAY YOU to publish such IF you weren't already so STUPID as to be doing it for them for free.__________

    Nice guy this erie fellow.

  • Nanoprobe

    This is the same thing that happened in our congregation in Texas, so at least the WTBS is consistent on a Worldwide basis.

    The jury convicted the Pedophile and he was incarcerated, upon his release (he served the full term) he chose to return to the congregation of his victim. We couldn't get the BOE to respond to this situation in anyway. Why?

    As Paul Giles, from the UK Bethel has stated to the press, the congregation DID NOT view a molester as guilty if he was not convicted by TWO WITNESSES.

    The Texas Pedophile was convicted on his own confession (to the court not to the elders) , plus results of a rape test, plus the little girl's testimony.......but was still viewed as innocent in the congregation.

    This is the same situation with men like BERRY, BELIZE, PANDELLA, etc and this explains why the congregation members are still supporting them. However, most members of the Rank & File are simply trusting in their elders for the TRUTH regarding the conviction and do not have a clue to the actual circumstances.

    Edited by - nanoprobe on 27 July 2002 13:26:23

  • ErieGuy


    I also know of a situation where a JW (elder or ms-can't recall which) was convicted on "reduced charges" relating to molestation of 2-3 JW children belonging to a single "sister". He spent less than a year in jail. He denied everything, and was never Df'ed.________

    When he got out of jail, he naturally returned "home". When the "sister" "complained" that she and her children would now have to attend the same KH with this "brother", the elders told her that he was innocent accordingly to biblical principles, and if SHE had a problem with this, then SHE could pack her family up and move elsewhere, even though SHE was the local native and the molester was the move-in.

  • Nanoprobe


    That's the same thing they told the victim's family in our hall. Though the Society says that individual elders make the decisions the evidence proves that the same directions are followed worldwide.

    It was a sickening site to watch the congregation welcome the pedophile back to the hall. He came in the door and different members walked up and hugged him. Off to the side was the little girl and her family, I wanted to puke.

    We fooght the elders, and everybody else, but it did absolutely no good. We finally got invited into the back room with a couple of elders. That was an interesting experience.......first the chief witch doctor pulls his little god from his pocket and than offers incantations to convince us of his power. But goodness knows, I had been a JW long enough to know not to fear the evil spirit forces. Okay, Okay, maybe that wasn't exactly what happened, maybe it was just a prayer.......

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