by Rado Vleugel 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Flip

    As it appears that the articles are factual, I suspect the WTBTS, as a business decision, had no choice but to disfellowship Bill and the others and bet on riding out any negative press for the long run.

    Otherwise, the corporation may have to face the possible weakening of central control over the substantial printing and real estate empire if the rank and file Jehovahs Witnesses felt empowered by their learned ability to exert external influence upon corporate policy.

    Their decision appears to be purely a business one and of no cosmic significance whatsoever, other than the terror of helplessness the abused child or adult must feel today as they realize that they really have no one to turn to at their Kingdom Hall for immediate assistance, administered appropriately and compassionately.

    Edited by - Flip on 26 July 2002 9:20:31

  • Crystal

    Wonderfull!! People will be leaving the JW org. (the good ones) because they will now know that the org. is for the pedophiles and against the ones that want it stopped.Prepare for an infux of people joining this site!

  • orangefatcat

    I am outraged, how can they do that to Bill? They are cowards all of them. Let them rot they have to face the people of their town, people will sneer at them for disfellowshipping a man who has upheld the protection of children while they cower in a corner covering up the perverted acts of men and women who have sexually molested children. Who will the people praise? It sure as hell won't be the JWs. No way. Bill you stand tall, be proud you have done the right thing and we are all behind you 100 percent. Boy if I lived in NewYork or were close to it I would walk into that Bethel and demand to see the members GB and let them see what damage they have done to their precious organization and the silentlambs who will never ever let this rest.....their voices will sound all over the world. Go get em you lambs ewe!!!

  • Sadie5

    Bill & Sheila, our thoughts and prayers are with you. You've helped so many silent lambs, and we all appreciate it.

    The WT Society has clearly shown whose side they are on. I am sickened that I ever was a part of their organization. The leaders are terrible people who would rather hide criminals who cause harm to children and try to silence those who have spoken out in the victims behalf. All to make their organizaton look pure and clean.

    I hope the tower comes crumbling down.


  • orangefatcat

    I love all the Lambs and you too Bill, Barb and Pandelo's. Keep strong.

    So pardon my little ewe up above, I needed to chill, cause I am so mad and I needed to calm down. I hope you can feel my love and hugs coming to you.


  • SpiceItUp

    I guess this just proves that Bill Bowen is right.

    If he, an advocate for abused children, is not welcome in the WTS what does that say about them as an organization?

    They are burying themselves deeper IMO and this was a bad move for them.




  • freeman

    What utter fools they are!

    Our words you Bill Bowen; we support you and remain by your side.

    Our words to you Watch Tower, THIS INJUSTICE WILL NOT STAND !

    The Watch Tower has thrown down the gauntlet and we accept the challenge.

    Mark my words Tower of darkness; if you think you have suffered some bad publicity before,

    you aint seen nothing yet!

    Lets Roll!


  • DakotaRed

    I hope Bill's attorney has a lawsuit filed today against the three elders who made the decision. While we all knew it was going to happen, to accomplish it, they had to violate everything they have printed in the elders manual and the rest of the publications to do it.

    They are not a religion but a mind controlling printing corporation bent on total control.

    Lew Waters

    Watchtower Decruit

  • Dutchie

    Of course, we are not surprised, but still it's so sad that they would disfellowship someone whom they should be praising and

    congratulating for bringing their shortcomings in the handling of sensitive matters to their attention.


    Bill, my heart goes out to you. The saddest part is that THIS is real persicution....and the WT can not even see it.

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