3 in 1 thing again.

by Bleep 24 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Bleep

    This is a site promoting a case of 20,000 and counting child molesters. Of course they had to have 3 areas to come up with a good number to start with. Why would this site want too take a number from three areas some may ask. A bigger figure could support this propaganda view originating from Satan.

    96% of the worlds population do not live in the United States. That is why they had to group the figure with Europe and some other country to get 20,000.

    Now lets consider the United States of America where I live. Would it be safe to say that out of the 20,000 about 1000 child sex abusers came from the U.S.A.? Divide that number by the fifty states and we got 20 JW's for each state. Most of these twenty would most likely be inactive publishers or disfellowshiped.

    Being in the land of "first you have to be proved guilty before doing time" thats not a bad record.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    ONE CASE IS TOO MANY YOU MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Bleep

    According to the Bible writer Jude, Christ's apostles sounded the following warning: "In the last time there will be ridiculers, proceeding according to their own desires for ungodly things."-Jude 17, 18.

    The desire for life in a clean new world can easily be replaced by "desires for ungodly things." This is especially dangerous today because of the world's methods of expression and communication. Never before in human history have violence, spiritism, and sexual immorality been paraded to such an extent. They are often the theme of radio and music presentations, and they are seen in numerous TV programs, videos, advertisements, books, and magazines.

    The sign points to the end of such ungodliness. Naturally, then, some people who have an appetite for ungodly things ridicule the sign. As foretold, they argue that "all things are continuing exactly as from creation's beginning."-2 Peter 3:3, 4.

  • RubyTuesday

    <P>Spliting Hairs!!! If you where a guy you would make a great elder.</P> <P>"oh its not that bad and any way other people are doing it and they are not in the "truth" so they will not get to live..but we are Gods chosen so he will overlook our little "imperfections"</P>
  • Nanoprobe

    23,720 in the USA, Canada & Europe

    Population for Canada is approximately the same as for Texas or California. In other words the entire population for that country is less than some US States. I doubt it makes much impact on the total numbers.

    What is Europe? All of Western Europe, does it include the United Kingdom? (we know how the WTBS uses land instead of country)

    2001 Report of Jehovah's Witnesses Worldwide


    Canada 110,818

    France 113,994

    Germany 164,441

    Italy 228,822

    Spain 101,500

    Britain 124,828

    Total 844403

    US Total 979,637

    I would assume if you throw in a number of smaller countries in Western Europe than the total Witnesses would equal the US total.

    Therefore the US pedophile number must be approximately 1/2 the total 23,720 . 11,860 divided by 50 states= 238 per state .

    My state has a population of just over 2,000,000 so I guessing it doesnt have that number and other states have more.

    Edited by - nanoprobe on 19 July 2002 14:21:7

  • sunshineToo

    Bleep, what makes you to be "safe to say" that 1,000 out of 23,720 are from the U.S.? It could be more than half. But we are not talking about the numbers here. We are talking:

    1. Does the WTS have a database on pedophiles?

    2. if they do, how were their cases handled?

    3. How were the victims treated?

    4. Does the WTS's policy really protect the children?

    Bleep, I don't know whether you are an elder or not. But according to the elders in my former congregation, all the pedophilia cases are not reported to the police. They said that if it's not required by the State ( of the U.S.) law, the elders DO NOT report to the authority other than the Brookly HQ. Even the Society's letter admitts that there are elders who were found guilty of pedophilia. The Society gives a dumb ( sorry for my use of word ) excuse for that.

    My question is if they never hide pedos ( and always let the victims call the police ), why in the world they have pedo elders in the first place? How come they are not in jail? I'm not saying that they should be DF'd when they repent. We do have laws in our society. Granted they are Caesar's, but we are obligated to abide.

    The elder I talked to denied everything in the beginning. But later he said that because he hadn't taken care of this kind of cases, he didn't know. He also told me that if a pedo brother moved into a State where there is the Megan's Law ( requiring all the sex offenders to register with the local sheriff ), the elders still DO NOT tell anyone ( including the publishers in the congregation ). And that pedo bro is free to go door to door and to have a great time with the children in the congregation.

    Bleep, are you a parent? If you are, according to the WTS's policy you wouldn't and shouldn't know if there is a pedophile in your congregation until he strikes again AT YOUR CHILD.

    As you may know these pedophiles tend to have more than one victims.

    We are not talking numbers here. We are talking the WTS's policy and the children.

  • sunshineToo

    Oh, may I add, Bleep!

    When the WTS give you the number of publishers, they are including women and children under 12. I don't know how many male JWs are in the organization or how many of 23,720 are female pedos.

    But I have seen and read both Dateline and Panorama. The GB member and the elders of those congregation didn't look too innocent to me.

  • freeman

    Bleep, for just a new guy on the board you certainly are off to a fine start. I must complement you on your posts thus far; your proclivity for irrelevance is astounding. Im sure your folks must be very proud.


    Edited by - freeman on 19 July 2002 14:58:34

  • Nanoprobe


    What an excellent point. How many witnesses are women?

    Isn't it about 60-68%? I saw that number somewhere on this board.

    But notice this:

    Nearly all of the offenders in sexual assaults reported to law

    enforcement were male (96%). Source Dept of Justice booklet page 11


    40-32% of the JW's are men?

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    Hi Bleep,

    Once again, just like the Watchtower itself, you present something that is not proven as a forgone conclusion.

    Most of these twenty would most likely be inactive publishers or disfellowshiped.

    Thus far, unless you are privy to information the rest of us are not, every case of Child Molestation that I've seen involving JW's on the Dateline and BBC programs was an ACTIVE witness.

    Please either divuldge your source for this information, or we will have to discount it as propaganda!

    What we have seen demonstrates otherwise...

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