Going back to the 2008 Generation

by FusionTheism 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FusionTheism

    It looks to me like the Society is rapidly moving back to the February 2008 Watchtower "new light" on "This Generation," which said this:

    * Jesus used "This Generation" to mean "Anointed Ones."

    * In the first fulfillment, Jesus was promising that some Anointed Ones would still be alive to witness the events of 70 C.E.

    * In the secondary fulfillment, Jesus was promising that some Anointed Ones would still be alive when Jesus returns to judge the Sheep and Goats.

    The new 2015 JW Research Guide posted on JW.org lists this 2008 Watchtower article as the first article people should read about the "Clarified Understanding" of the Generation.

    This 2008 view also matches the statement in the New 2015 Jesus--The Way, The Truth, The Life book, which says that "This Generation" refers to disciples who see the signs of the last days.

    I think they are abandoning the overlapping part.

  • Ding

    Wouldn't it be nice if they would say, "We aren't sure what Jesus meant"?

    It'll never happen.

    Instead, they will keep changing and claiming "new light" each time.

  • sir82

    Why not? Most JWs don't really care what the doctrine is anyway. They're in it for the sense of community, or because they are desperate to see dear ol' gramma in the resurrection.

  • bennyk
  • Vidiot

    I say just amalgamate them all into one...

    ...the "overlapping wicked generation who saw the signs of the last days in 1914"...

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    They now believe that the overlapping generation IS the one generation that saw the events, through the eyes of the first lap which told the second lap about the events. So its just the same doctrine it just puts them together. They could say that some of the "overlapping generation will not pass away" and it would be the same thing I think.

  • Crazyguy
    Sounds like maybe thier going to say that the generation that sees these events fulfilled. So they could be setting it up for a future fulfillment stating that the generation will not exist until the tribulation starts. Then they can dismiss thier whole generation of 1914 and the overlapping crap and say it's still a future event that's going to happen very soon.
  • baltar447
    Oh no, Crazyguy I think you read their pea brains lol. I could totally see them doing this...
  • DesirousOfChange

    You couldn't make this shit up!

    Image result for head up their ass


  • Crazyguy
    Does this mean I have a pea brain too? Oh crap!

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