Many more pedaphiles in the churches with reason

by Bleep 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bleep

    There are many many more pedophiles in the churches. Before making accusations that Jehovahs people are the religion of child abusers look at the other churches.

    1. The priests that they have can not marry. Makes me think about other vows the nuns make. They have alot more reasons to child sexual abuse than my religion.

    2. Looking at the database of Jehovahs witnesses (which could be anyone newly baptized) I saw 20,000 cases with three largest countries combined including United States of America.

    Show me the database results from the leading churches and then start over with the propaganda. Oh then maybe we dont have a database with the churches since the church covers it all up!

  • Kenneson

    Bleep writes: "There are many many more pedophiles in the churches."

    So does that justify any pedophiles whatsoever in Jws? Does more in other churches mean none in Jws? Jws are quick to point out the great numbers of pedophiles in other churches so that they will not have to see the problem in their own. As Jesus asked: "Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother's eye, but do not consider the rafter in your own eye?" (Matt. 7:3)

  • D8TA

    Yep, other churches do have pedophiles....and this isn't a;

    OTHER CHURCHES Discussion The place to discuss anything relating to OTHER CHURCH MEMBERS and the OTHER CHURCHES Society... or just make new friends.

    Now is it? We are discussing, exploring, and dealing with the issue of pedophilia in the WTBTS.

    Thank you for your effort in your common practice of "misdirection", we do acknowledge the fact that...yes....other "churches" have a problem.

    But then again, wait a second.....according to your beliefs and practice....this should be expected from "other churches" because they are from the "world controlled by Satan". Oh have a problem now, as per your's "Jehovah's Organization"...well, if the "ONE TRUE RELIGION" is doing this, this makes YOU and your WTBTS ALL THE MORE ACCOUNTABLE!

    Doesn't that suck? The price you pay for being a "Self Righteous-Intollerant-Elitist-Bigoted" organization. It's YOUR belief, YOUR rules, YOUR system, YOUR words. "Jehovah's Visible Organization", the one with the "truth".

    Turnabout sure does suck, doesn't it?

    You made your bed, now lay in it.


    Edited by - D8TA on 17 July 2002 20:55:18

  • blondie

    First, the people here are familiar with the workings of the WTS and/or have been victimized by this organization. SNAP is an organization that focuses on getting rid of pedophiles in the Catholic Church, specifically priests. There are other organizations that focus on other religious groups.

    Second, the WTS presents itself as the "only true religion" saying it alone has God's favor and blessing. They preach that all other religions will be destroyed when the UN is given that thought by Jehovah God to destroy Babylon the Great.

    Third, the WTS has focused on the faults and failings of these other religions, especially the Christian ones, saying that nothing like that could ever happen in the "only true religion." It has created an environment in the WTS to try to hide their mistakes. Well, they can't bury this body (of child abuse).

    I have heard some people say that there is no point in helping feed people in other countries when people are starving in your own and then do nothing to help either group. The best response would be to do what you can to help all those who are starving.

    So just because there are pedophiles in other religious groups is no reason not to help the children in the WTS. If you can, help both groups.

  • Reborn2002


  • larc

    Bleep, you write like what you read, the Awake! You say other churches have more pedophiles. Prove it. You say other churches hide their numbers. Now, dummy, so does your religion. They didn't release those numbers. Barbara Anderson discovered them when she was doing research for the Organization and writing Awake! articles. You really don't have a clue do you.

  • Scully

    Bleep writes:
    "1. The priests that they have can not marry. Makes me think about other vows the nuns make. They have alot more reasons to child sexual abuse than my religion."

    The fact that JWs can marry, yet there are still some 23,720 child molestors within their ranks (in the US, Canada & Europe) is appalling.

    You seem to forget that the "reproach on Jehovah" occurred in the act of the JW pedophile who molests a child and robs that child of their innocence and trust. The "reproach on Jehovah" continues when the child seeks the help of the elders, who are supposed to be like a shelter and a place of refuge, only to be disbelieved, called "liars" and "slanderers", and sent back to the ones who abused them. To accuse these children of bringing "reproach on Jehovah" for exposing the crimes that have been committed against them is nothing short of hypocrisy in its most flagrant form.

    Rather than beating the messenger, as you seem so bent on doing, why don't you put your energy into weeding out these monstrous wastes of human flesh from your "righteous organization" and into prison where they belong. Get back to us when you're done, and before you start slamming other religions for the same thing yours is attempting to whitewash like graves full of dead men's bones and every other form of filth.

    Love, Scully

  • jgnat

    A local congregation of Christendom has for many years required any one desiring to do more, (i.e. position of leadership, working with children) to undergo a police and child abuse check. They have to provide a certificate from these two "secular" groups before they would be allowed to get near children. This applies even if the individual has repented. Why take the risk?

    Does the WTS have a similar policy? I suspect it has gone no farther than the leadership requirements as outlined in the greek scriptures. After all a group of unified, studious, truth seeking group of people could not be hiding "wolves in sheep's clothing". In these terrible times, perhaps more should be done?

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    Hey Bleep,

    Elders and MS are appointed by holy spirit, right?

    There are Elders and MS that are paedophiles, right?

    Can you reconsile these two statements in your mind? I cannot! Explain it to me, will ya!

  • Quotes

    Bleep, you have missed the main point here.

    The main point is NOT that there are sexual molesters in the JW religion; that fact is to be expected, since they (JWs) are no different from any other group/religion. Ouch, as D8TA pointed out that stings quite a bit, but again it is not the main point.

    The main point is the official internal policy used to deal with these cases when the are discovered. That is the issue. The policies (plural) which includes more than just the "Child Protection Policy".

    Dealing with it internally.... not reporting to the police for a real, professional investigation.... I wouldn't accept that from a school, church, business, or any other group. And I'm now alone. Schools, churhes, business, all have sex scandals cause by sick people in the gruop. But when the official policy of the group is to deal with it internally and not report to the police (so that justice can be served and the crime can be punished) then people get upset. And *THAT* is why your group is in the media spotlight.

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