OUTRAGED ! about little girl murdered

by Xandria 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xandria

    It broke my heart today to find out that this child was not to be found alive. I grew up in and around Orange County. I lived for several years in Fullerton. Anyone who wants to send a card or support to the family can write and send the letter to Stanton City Hall on Cattella Ave. Care of City Hall .. to the Parents of Samantha Runnion.

    I really do pray that they find this @)%)$*@! jerk before he harms another. The police are warning parents that he may change his looks and may strike again. Just keep it in mind that it just takes a split second to change your life. Please be safe.

    Warm Regards,


  • Crazy151drinker

    Is this the case where the man asked her to help find his dog? This stuff makes me sick. They should bring back the firing squad for this asshole.

  • plmkrzy
  • LyinEyes

    This is so disturbing, everyday you read or watch the reports of this happening daily, I am sure more you don't see covered.

    I am scared for my kids. Alot of these kids are taken from their own beds, the doors are locked, the windows are closed. Some of these homes have alarm systems and it still happens.

    I will not let my kid sleep in the front living room unless the 15 old brother is in there. I have even put board slats so the windows can not be opened. I will not let my kids ride their bikes on the road, I will not even let them play in the front yard.

    We live in a small, very small, town with a low crime rate of these things, and in an elderly neighborhood.

    I find it hard to sleep sometimes because I have to get up and check on the kids. I have always been that way thou, making sure the gas stove was turned off, doors locked, no pillows on their faces, no necklaces that could choke them on before they go to sleep.

    I know I am a obsessive and complusive by this, but you have to be. Even the most well meaning parents who think they have thought of everything, this happens to their little precious children.

    There is not greater tragedy that I can think of than this. Glad you posted it, I am glad I don't let my kids even play in the front yard now. My kids are , as all children are, trusting, no matter how many times you tell them , and even tell them what a kidnapper may say, you just don't know how they will react in the situation. So all we can do is, keep a constant look out for our kids, even if it is sad to take away riding their bikes around in the neighborhood, at least that is one way to make sure where they are at all times. I remember as a kid, having alot more freedom, you just didnt hear about these kind of things happeing as often. We got our kids a trampoline( no broke bones yet) and they love it, so staying in the back yard is alot easier for them.

    Thanks for the news of this, it makes my heart break for that precious little girl and it makes me want to hold mine even closer now. Poor parents, there will be no comfort for them , that too breaks my heart.

  • Crazy151drinker

    Buy a Gun and shoot the bastards!

  • FreeFallin

    No words come to mind, except hunt that bastard down and have him executed publicly.

  • roybatty

    After reading that article, how could someone not be for the death penalty in cases like this one?

  • Xandria

    I just hope they find him ... there is not any type of punishment that I can possibly think of that will be horrible enough for this person. It makes me soooo MAD!!!! I grew up around there and we were able to play outside.. yes I was the oldest and watched my sisters but none the less, children are being robbed of thier right to a childhood by these sick perverted assholes.

    (Enraged Scream) .. it tears me up inside to think of this innocent child treated like this.

    I will say this if they do catch him they will not be able to release him into general population in the prision system.


  • Fredhall

    Like many other news report. This one make me very sick to watch it.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    While driving in to work today, a press conference was held on most all of the radio/tv stations in L.A. announcing that the body they found yesterday was that of the little girl. This whole thing OUTRAGES me beyond the pitiful words I can offer. I've been following it since she was taken Monday evening, playing in the front of her house with her little friend. Yesterday's sobbingly tearful plea from her mother was heart renching and then in the afternoon there was a report that some hang gliders spotted the body of a child in a wilderness area.

    All night I kept thinking about this, it just makes me sick. If anyone thinks this animal shouldn't forfeit his life with what he's done then they need a reality check and should be put in her poor family's shoes. ANYONE who does criminal acts against an innocent and fragile child should feel the WRATH of justice with the most extreme punishment there is.

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