What are your careers?

by The_Bad_Seed 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Computer Science Instructor at a community college....and I do faculty development, student counseling/social work, cirriculum development.


    District Overbeer

  • 144001

    Janitor in an adult book store with responsibility for mopping up the peep show booths after closing. That's all my JW background qualified me for, but I'm happy and occasionally enjoy fringe benefits such as free adult films when patrons leave the booth running.

    Good luck PLH on your move!!!

  • Imbue

    I45 seconds you only wish you had that dream job!

  • 144001

    Alas, 'tis true, I only dreamed of having that job, because it has already been taken by someone who calls herself "Imbue." All this damned affirmative action results in qualified men being denied good jobs like that one because they are filled by women like Imbue. No fair! Foul! I'm gonna call my congressman.

    BTW, Imbue, do you care to tell us how much you're enjoying those fringe benefits?

    Editing: Additions are underlined, deletions are stricken-through.

    Edited by - 144001 on 17 July 2002 15:35:42

    Edited by - 144001 on 17 July 2002 15:36:35

  • seven006


    What do you mean by "graphics programer?

    Just curious


  • DakotaRed

    When I first started in my trade some 35 years ago, I was a car mechanic. Now, I am an automotive technician. The work isn't easier and the pay isn't better, but I feel better about myself with a title

    Other than approxiamtely 8 years one month and 4 days in the US Army as a helicopter mechanic, I have been wrenching since High School.

    Other than that, I am the chief caretaker of two ornery cats and a full time grandpa.

    Lew W

  • peaceloveharmony


    Good luck PLH on your move!!!

    thanks man! i hope i don't run into any problems, so far it's been smooth sailing :)

  • nita6368

    Family Support Specialist II------translated, caseworker at our local social services office.It does sound more glamorous than it actually is

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