What do you like to watch?

by SpiceItUp 29 Replies latest social entertainment

  • patio34

    Thanks for asking! My current favorites are Friends and Scrubs.

  • SpiceItUp

    Nikita - I can't wait for the new season of Alias to start. I always liked Xena but never had the chance to watch la femme Nikita (obviously your name ). And hey there is no shame in Sponge Bob...out of the new ones for kids that is surely one of the best.

  • Nikita


    Do you think Vaughn will return or did they kill him off?

  • SpiceItUp

    I will be soooo upset if they did kill him off...(he was such a hottie )

    I have a feeling that maybe he is not dead...with the way that show twists and turns I think they might find a way to save him. (remember what they did with Will - I thought for sure he was dead but he wasn't). If they don't I am gonna be GRRRRRR mad.

    (after all.....I think maybe he swam back the other way..how much water was in there anyway, wouldn't there have been some kind of air at the top)

    Anyway thats my .02, what do you think?


  • Nikita

    Yes, I feel the same way as you!

    Can't wait!

  • 13th_apostate

    I really got into alias too. there are still about 5 or 6 episodes I haven't seen. I really expect vaughn to be alive. I am also really into the shield, dead zone, the wire, the practice, farscape, stargate sg-1, west wing and law and order. due to my wife's influence, I have also been into real world, road rules and spongebob squarepants. heh. and we have no kids.

    is anyone else in here waiting impatiently for the sopranos and sex in the city to start up again?


  • LyinEyes

    Ok , I admit I watch 2 soaps, Guiding Light and As the world turns... I am not addicted to them everyday , just check in to see, if a some story line that started 4 months ago is still going on.

    I also like: the Sopranos, Sex and the city, Oz, Discovery Channel, FBI Files, Trauma : Life in the ER, Paramedic, these are all cable shows. Also, the history channel, A&E, Animal network, cartoon network(Spongebob ),... I just flip thru the channels and see what interests me at the time.

    I would love to start watching some old black and white movies, these movies depended on their story lines and dialogue, and I just love the good ole days when things didnt seem so bad.

  • Nikita

    I love to channel surf! Especially, now that I am laid up with a broken foot! I enjoy the Discovery Channel and FBI files, too. My husband cannot stand any of those kinds of shows, though.

    But, Alias has got to be one of the best of the new shows on network tv this year.

  • not interested
    not interested





    monday night football

    and porn...........jsut kidding.........not realy.........yeah i am...........gonna shut up now

  • Crystal

    Everbody loves Raymond
    King of Queens

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