Panorama Fallout Begins

by Valis 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • SYN

    Oh boy Valis, reading stuff like this makes me so glad I don't have family who are active Witnesses. Whew.

  • Scully


    I liked your reply to your sister's response.

    I'm surprised she didn't use the phrase "bringing reproach on Jehovah" regarding the exposee of paedophiles within the org by Dateline and Panorama.

    That's the "tack" my parents took when I talked to them about the "Paedophile Paradise" they have been part of for over 30 years.

    My response to that objection was: "So as long as a child molester continues going door-to-door and nobody says anything about it, there's no "reproach on Jehovah" and everything is still ok?? Does that really make sense to you? What's more reproachful? The crime of child molestation that's kept covered up or bringing offenders to justice??"

    They wouldn't answer me.

    I had to laugh at the 'borgness' of your sister's defense. Not one original thought in there. The denial runs very very deep.

    Love, Scully

  • Frenchy

    Valis, I applaud your desire to do something if it's constructive and has a positive direction and is for the purpose of helping someone come out of the bondage of the JW society as oppposed to just pissing people off.

    I think that is JT's concern as well as evidenced by his questions. If it's your purpose to get your relatives out then your efforts need to have direction and must be carefully orchestrated to achieve those results. Do you know why we put a set of steps to a porch that's three feet off the ground? Smile. It's too hard to jump up that high for most people. Some of us here did jump, unaided, up onto that porch but for the majority, it's an impossible feat.

    Take your time. Take it one step at a time and don't show them the porch until they are on the top step. It's not so much a case of acrophobia as ignorantphobia...a condition that we ALL, as Witnesses, at one time shared!

    I am very happy that I have gotten a few people on step two already. One or two can see the porch now without trembling with fear. Others are now looking at the step. It can be done. Not all will respond, but you don't know which ones will. Hey, it's like going out in service...don't skip any houses, especially your relatives!.

    Good luck!

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    It never ceases to amaze me that when fellow Israelites went to the religious leaders and to the "rank and file" and spoke out about their errors and false teachings, we call them prophets trying to cleanse God's organization.

    BUT, when we try to expose the errors and false teachings to our "religious leaders" and the "rank & file" publishers, WE are condemned as apostates who are trying to bring reproach on God's name and organization.

    How can 'trying to expose the existence of pedophiles and the injustices heaped on the silenced victims' be called "bringing reproach on God's name"? Exposing their existence is done to STOP them!!

    Isn't the existence and mishandling of these abuses the very thing bringing reproach on God's name?

    WAKE UP JW'S!!!

    This is just another reason why I've...

    "Had Enough"

    Edited by - Had Enough on 16 July 2002 9:42:37

  • LyinEyes

    Valis, I totally understand your need to speak up. I am about there myself, I am almost ready to go at who ever I run across, with both barrells, so to speak. For so long I have kept my mouth closed , not wanting to face what that will get me(D/F) , but I think there comes a time when you have to stand up for yourself and your beleifs. It would be great if they listened and at least considered what you had to say. But even if they attack you, you said your peace. Somewhere down the line , who knows some friend or family may come to you years down the road and thank you for putting that seed of questioning in their minds. I think we owe it to those who were once like us, so blinded by the WT and afraid to doubt, to somehow help them to see the light. Nothing may come of it, but it is worth the effort , at least you can have a clear conscience that you did the right thing by speaking up. I feel our time is coming soon for that (Wild Turkey too), and I am not ready to back down, what ever the outcome may be.

  • ozziepost


    As the saying goes, "There's none so blind as those who will not see". That applies particularly to the R&F over matters such as this one that you have raised for your sister.

    Just a small point:

    I said nothing hateful or mean or crude, even in my replies

    I'm not so sure about that. Look at this:

    Well, the paragon of virtue speaks up.

    As the scripture we know so well says: "Let your sayings be seasoned with salt."

    I notice that the reply you got requested you cease sending such info, and one point your sister wrote may be worth considering: she suggested you stop your bitterness. That's something you need to face, or as we sometimes hear: you must "move on with your life". What will replace the Borg in your life? Surely the rest of your life won't be centered around the WTS? There's so many good things "out there". Enjoy your freedom journey. And when you have the chance, let the relatives know the truth about 'the troof', but discreetly.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Valis

    ozzie..thanks for the advice, and yeah you busted me on that one....I tried not to get steamed, but its hard to be an adult sometimes..*L* My mom wrote back and was much more centered in her response, even though she is still very much the dedicated JW.....I love her anyway and appreciated her take on it. Just thought you guys might like to see something more balanced and reasonable versus the earlier insanity..

    Thank you for your concern. I agree that it is a serious issue.
    There are always going to be people who have an issue with the way
    they have been treated by their parents, and if the same things
    happened to me, I might feel the same way they do. I hope they can
    come to some closure for their problems. It is not going to affect
    my relationship with Jehovah, or my friendships in the congregation,
    or my source for spirituality.People should be able to do whatever
    they need to, to resolve child abuse issues, including reporting
    things to the police. I think all this publicity has probably been a
    good thing, because it makes people more aware of problem areas that
    need attention. I would rather focus on positive things, and have
    enough worries about myself to keep me busy.



    District Overbeer

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