Daughter'sText Message from District Convention

by jack2 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • jack2

    LyinEyes, we try to have a very open relationship, and yes, we have scribbled together in many a WT magazine, and lately, even my wife (who used to be a very die-hard jw but just as recently as two weeks ago, after more annoying goings-on involving jws, said "Jehovah, you might as well kill me now, because I don't want to live forever with these people", reminding me of the Liberty or Death post above) has gotten into the act. I can certainly relate to how your and your son used to pass the time, lol.

    We both had fun reading our daughter's text messages, and also hearing the latest teen gossip (more cases of youngsters simply unable to cope with all the demands and 'getting in trouble' as a result).

    My daughter is free to say anything she wants, and if she's bored at a meeting, she knows she can say it. She is there because she wanted to go, and had she not wanted to attend, that would have been fine too. Gone are the days when we expected her to live up to the demands of a religion that ended up causing her such frustration (she basically felt like she had to be the perfect elder's daughter).

    And, of course, the likely reason she is there primarily is to socialize and meet guys. And that's fine too......I remember well the days when I was there primarily to socialize and scope out the girls.

    Farkel, funny comments, yeah, it probably was during the first talk when the boredom set in. A few weeks back, I dropped her off and then picked her up after one hour (the Ministry School) and the first thing she said when she got in the car was "that was boring".

    Xena, lol @ the "bad daddy"!! Bad daddy sat this whole one out; I was planning to attend one day but then decided not to. Bad daddy almost had a nervous breakdown trying to be perfect daddy, elder, etc. Just the thought of those days makes me cringe.

  • teejay

    When she got home from Friday's session, I asked the wife if she took any notes. No.

    I asked that she do me a favor and take notes Saturday with the stipulation that it be something that made her glad she came - something truly unique - not the same old same old. If she could do that for me, I'd consider going Sunday.

    When she got home last night, I asked if she took notes. She didn't have a single one.

  • Francois

    How do you pronounce Jaracz?


  • jack2

    teejay, interesting story about your wife's notes.....or lack thereof.

  • LittleToe


    They stopped doing Hella's chocolate - you are now safe from their wicked and tempting devices.

    A triumph to "Simplification, in the time of the end!"

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